Friday 1 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 48

It feels like Christmas Eve here with the promise of being allowed out to exercise tomorrow 🎉 And there's an update; we are now allowed out for sport eg. cycling or running, for any length of time and distance as long as it's within the municipality, within the time slot and solo.  Thankfully the municipality covers Pollensa, the Port, Cala St Vincenc and Formentor so there's plenty to play with!  But we can't drive to do that sport, so for example we can't drive to Cala or Formentor in order to go running.  But I've reflected on going for a run tomorrow morning and decided that it will be more appropriate to go for a walk with Ian; after all, we've just spent 48 days in lockdown together so it only feels right to so out for a walk together 💕 on the first day.  The walk can only be 1km from home but planned right it can be a decent length walk as long as it's within the radius.  And there is no time limit so we need to get creative with our walk.  Someone has sent me this link which is very useful as you can see exactly where you can go with the 1km zone.  I think I have one in mind which will be lovely - I will report in tomorrow's blog! 

Today was great anyway in terms of exercise as I totally smashed my 5km goal.  44:37 if you're into that sort of thing.  So now I'm under no pressure at all to keep improving 😳 The trouble is I remember doing 10km in around 1 hour back in the day and that seems ridiculously fast now!  But I shall keep plugging away anyway, both outside and on the running machine.

The weather today has been really warm - about 25 degrees - so we spent a bit of time up on the roof terrace  but were careful not to overdo it this early in the season.  But it's like one minute we were wearing jeans and a sweater and suddenly - boom! - we're into shorts weather 🌞 Summer is definitely on the way now 😎  To that end, we've both started to change over our wardrobes from winter to summer.  Ian's has taken no time at all, mine is taking rather longer  - Ian says it's because I've got too many clothes; I prefer to say it's because I'm taking my time over it, after all we don't exactly have a lot on at the moment.....   Progress has been made at the new jigsaw - I'm sure you were all keen to know that 😂 - and both of us have done more Spanish studying as well as reading and sudokus etc.  Plus we've watched some UK TV today from last night's viewing - we love First Dates and the new series of First Dates Hotel has just started, and also The Real Marigold Hotel which is charming. 

There were quite a few children out and about during this evening's dog walk and I had to keep the correct social distance, especially with the dogs.  But I've noticed that:

  • the kebab shop (just off the square) by Bonys is now open
  • Paradice ice-creams (on the end, near Norai) is being worked on 
  • someone was inside Stay varnishing the floor 
The day ended with.......drum roll.....home delivery take out. This week we had two pizzas, a bottle of wine and two desserts from Moll de Bellagio, delivered to our door for the princely sum of 15€ - unbelievable!  

All fantastically yummy and highly recommended.  If you're unsure, Moll de Bellagio is more or less opposite Correos which is in the same road as the charity shop if you are heading directly down to the sea.  We love eating there as the food is great and so reasonable and they have a lovely terrace out the back.  

So, tomorrow is the "big day" here in Spain.  I just hope we all manage to get the rules right.  But I'm certain we will all enjoy it whether it's a run, cycle or walk.  Just need to set the alarm now as one of us needs to walk the dogs first, then breakfast and our walk has to be finished by 10am 😝 oooer.......

Stay safe and hasta luego!


  1. Great to hear you can go out at last for exercise. It does help a lot to get out. You’ve done really well to cope with no going out apart from when you’ve walked the dog. We have been lucky in the UK to have been able to go out and for a longer period. We are just hoping that a visit to immediate families will be allowed soon. We are so missing our grandson :(. Thanks for the blogs. I always look forward to them. Stay safe both

  2. Thanks so much! Family are everything :-) Stay safe, things will get better :-D
