Thursday 7 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 54

The Spanish government got the extension to the state of emergency it had requested which means that they can move forward, statistics permitting, with their de-escalation plan.  Apparently the different regions eg. Balearics, Murcia etc, have to request a move to the next phase.  Apparently they have all done so apart from Cataluรฑa, and Castilla y Leon who have requested it only for certain areas within them and not for more heavily populated areas such as Barcelona.  Even the region of Madrid, who were the worst hit, have requested it.  As a reminder, we are all currently in Phase 0 (apart from 4 small islands, 3 in the Canaries and Formentera in the Balearics who went straight to Phase 1 on 4th May); Phase 1 would allow businesses and street cafes to partially re-open and for people to meet in groups of 10 or less either in the open air or in private homes and social distancing should be observed.  In Phase 1 people will still be limited to their own province.  Street cafes can only open with 50% capacity (on their outside terraces) and small stores of less than 400 square meters can open at 30% capacity.  How you work out the capacity of for example one of the Chinese shops which sell everything out here I have no idea, but I for one can't wait because I need several items so I'm hoping at least one of them will open soon!

We have had some more Covid-19 cases in the Balearics since we achieved the no cases situation a couple of days ago; there's a rumour that two cases are in the Pollensa area and we've only had 5 in total up to now ๐Ÿ˜ž  I've read that one of the two new ones was asymptomatic but had gone to the doctors for something completely different only to be diagnosed with Covid-19.  However I have not seen this reported officially so am currently treating this as hearsay for the time being.  In any event, the provinces will find out  late Friday/early Saturday if Phase 1 is granted.  Fingers crossed, but only if our statistics are good.

Today started for us with another 15km cycle ride - we went out to Hotel Llenaire and then around and towards Pollensa, coming out just behind Lidl, then all the way down the road between Pollensa and the Port, through Gotmar and down to the seafront past the Pollensa Park Hotel.  We had a lovely cafe con leche at Vitho Cafe near La Goleta Hotel and had a finger wagged at us for sitting on the sea wall to drink it by a police officer.  Uncertain as to quite what we were doing wrong lol, we retreated to the little road by La Goleta and stood to drink it.  We then headed out on the Formentor Road just to finish with a flourish where we saw some friends and stopped, at the correct social distance, to have a quick chat when lo! the very same police officer cruised past in this car and stared at us which sent us into a complete panic - you'd have thought we were draped over the others in a drunken stupor - and we started pedalling again as fast as our little legs would go; slightly embarrassingly this was the same way as him so we found ourselves following him around and back through to the police station in the square.  As he parked and got out I hoped he didn't think we wanted a word ๐Ÿ˜ณ

After our bike ride we had breakfast and generally mooched about for the rest of the day.  I progressed my wardrobe changeover from winter to summer and after its arrival yesterday  we got the lovely new bedding - not just any bedding, it's M&S bedding - on the bed (amazingly enough!).  I've also made some progress in reading my Spanish book which I started some time ago but have now got back into.  It's a novel about the Spanish Civil War so not for the faint-hearted in terms of the Spanish language, but I do find that once I get going I can manage about 4-5 pages at a time before it all becomes a bit much and I need a break!  But....poco a poco ๐Ÿ˜Ž

During today's lunchtime dog toilet walk I walked around by Stay restaurant and they have now put their tables out on the terrace in preparation for next week.  They don't seem to be spaced any differently to normal but maybe they'll only sit people at every other table or something.  Either way, it's so exciting to see that it may re-open as it's kind of iconic in the Port.  There is just one hitch though - restaurant/cafe toilets are not allowed to be open so it's going to be interesting to see who has strong bladder control ๐Ÿ˜‚

Tomorrow morning I think I'm heading out for a run if I get up early enough and before it gets too hot.  If...............

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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