Wednesday 6 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 53

We decided not to get up too early to go out in the morning slot today with the plan to go out in the evening instead.  I did do my online gym class but I did feel a bit leaden today, I think it must have been all the cycling yesterday which I haven't done for quite a while, not properly, so I was less than bouncy during the class!  But I persevered and made it through.  Then I cooled down and got ready for the ubiquitous weekly trip to Lidl.

Although a Lidl trip is not quite the thrilling outing it was before we were allowed to go outside to exercise, it's still something to look forward to as it rings the changes and gives me a chance to drive our 'new' car.  We drove over here on a road trip with the dogs when we came here to live nearly four years' ago and used our very elderly Honda which we'd had for years in the UK.  It was still going strong and we'd adjusted to driving in a right hand drive car on the right side of the road but then the opportunity came up to purchase a great  left hand drive, much newer car with low mileage and in fantastic condition at a good price and it was too good to miss.  So we sold the old one, bought the new one, had it about 2 weeks and then....lockdown started.  So each time I've driven it to Lidl it's been fun to get used to it and I really enjoy driving albeit just the few kilometers up the road.  

I digress....Lidl shopping has changed alongside the first part of the de-escalation process; we are of course still given gloves at the door but in the bakery section the rolls, cakes, pastries etc that had been pre-bagged in twos before, this week were back to being loose in those containers where you use the long handled shovel to pass them sideways into the area where you can pick them up and bag them; a small thing but nice to choose a specific apple puff (as it happens!) and try to manoeuvre it past the dangly metal bits, it's almost like one of those claw machine arcade games - don't judge me, it's the child in me 😝  In addition, whilst there are signs up asking people to maintain the correct distance it's a lot more relaxed - what I mean by that is not that people were sloppy but that we all know how to do it now so it just happens automatically without being enforced.  Mind you, Lidl has always taken a more relaxed approach than Eroski and not having been to Eroski in a while, it would be interesting to see if the cashiers are still masked, face shielded and screened there; I'll be going in the next couple of days for a few things not available at Lidl so will soon find out.

Walking to the car at about 11.45 am prior to Lidl today I did see a few people out who were clearly not shopping, had no dogs and were very definitely not 70 either (10 am - 12 noon being the time slot for the over 70's).  I guess this is always going to be the case once things started to de-escalate where people play a little 'fast and loose' with the rules.  Annoying but there's nothing to be done unless you're a police officer!  What is impressive is that lots of children seem to have grasped the concept of social distancing so perhaps some adults should follow the example of the children??

In other news a new jigsaw puzzle has arrived so that'll keep me out of mischief over the next few days and at the same time a Marks and Spencer delivery of new bedding turned up so it was like Christmas here!  And on the festive theme, I've booked to have my hair cut next week which will be fab-u-lous!  I believe Aquamarine beauty salon is opening next week too and I'm tempted to have a pedicure, just need to persuade Ian that it's essential....

And so to the highlight of the day - our evening walk.  We went through town as far as the military and then back down Pine Walk where nature presented us with a wonderful sunset.  Here is a photo taken from the terrace of the Illa D'Or Hotel:  

What a beautiful place we're lucky enough to live in 😍  

Stay safe and hasta mañana!

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