Friday 8 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 55

Happy 75th VE Day anniversary!  The days are just rolling around now and we're up to 55 days although being able to exercise in this last week makes the days go faster that's for sure.  And the big news as of late this evening is that the Balearics have been given permission to move onto Phase 1 of the de-escalation which I outlined the impact of in yesterday's blog.  Not all regions who applied to go to Phase 1 have been granted permission; Madrid, which has had the highest number of Covid-19 cases, has been turned down for example.  In any event, this is lucky because a few shops selling clothes etc seem to be gearing up for opening as is Norai, Tecun and the new bar Meraki (next to Bonys).  Nostalgia is also going to open for takeaways/home delivery in the evenings and the terrace at the required 50% capacity which will be the same for all the other bars and restaurants.  I've mentioned previously that Stay has put out its tables on the terrace so it looks as if things will really get moving in the Port next week.  Details of the rules and regulations around gatherings of up to 10 people outside or in private homes (with social distancing) have not yet been issued but I've heard that there may be some changes to the time slots for exercise etc that we currently have so we'll just have to wait for the detail.  

Today started with a run out and around Gotmar while Ian went out for a cycle ride.  On the way back he saw a large crane picking up the last of the boats that were washed up on the beach on the stretch from the Daina to the Sis Pins during the tremendous three day storm back in January.  

The wrecked boats further on had been crushed and cleared up earlier in the week.  It's sad to see boats just being scrapped but then again they had to be moved and clearly the owners couldn't/wouldn't so really the council had no alternative.  Mind you, there's still some work to be done as a result of the storm - one of the huge old leaning pines on Pine Walk just after it turns the corner to head towards the Illa D'Or hotel has fallen into the sea taking a large chunk of the Walk with it; various walls and railings around hotel sea terraces need repairing; and the paved area by the 1919 roundabout just where it turns towards La Llonja and the yacht club has subsided fairly dramatically and precariously down towards the sea.  Both that and the fallen pine will require some fairly major reconstruction but I guess currently there's no real rush....

After breakfast I went to Eroski for a few bits and bobs.  The cashiers there do still have screens and masks unlike the ones in Lidl but when I went to get the gloves to put on there were none, just a box of small plastic bags.  I was a bit nonplussed and unsure what exactly I was meant to do with them.  I looked into the store for reference but embarrassingly most other people in there were ahead of the game and had brought their own so I really did look like an amateur 😳  Nothing ventured, nothing gained however so I put one on each hand!  It was actually difficult to keep them on though and provided about 15 minutes of endless fun trying to pick things up without them falling off.  And once properly inside the store I did see one or two other people gamely struggling with a bag on each hand - I like to think we exchanged understanding glances and styled it out together 😎

It was pretty windy today so we didn't spend a lot of time on the roof terrace but we read, did puzzles and watched TV.  However I ended the day in triumph by breaking my record for my total steps for the day since lockdown began - 11,428 so I'll certainly sleep well tonight!

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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