Thursday 30 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 47

Well the big news of the day is that exercise will be permitted from 2nd May 🎉   The government has set a timetable for walks as part of the confinement de-escalation with different groups of people to go out at different times as follows:

  • People can do individual sports or walks between 6-10am and 8-11pm for 1 hour no more than 1km from home.  You can go with one other person that lives with you but not in the car or doing sports together and cannot leave your own municipality.  
  • Children can go out between 12 noon-7pm with only the one parent as before.  
  • People over 70 can go out between 10am-12 noon and 7- 8pm up to 1km, maximum of 2 people.  
  • Municipalities of less than 5,000 inhabitants can go out freely once a day up to 11pm and within 1km.  
Bit different to the UK I think - whether or not you agree with the new rules.  In any event, we are too populated for the last part to apply, so here we will be out either first thing or last thing.  For me, it'll be the early one so tomorrow I'm going to spend time working out where 1km is in all different directions ready for Saturday - eek the excitement!  I may even take Ian with me if he's lucky 😂 STOP PRESS UPDATE:  if we're walking, or walking together we can only go 1km but if it's running, I can go as far as I like if it's within the municipality and for no longer than one hour.  Now that's exciting!!

Summer is definitely on the way; you can feel how much warmer it's getting now so I think a little job putting away my winter clothes and shoes and getting the summer ones organised is on the cards.  Today was in the early 20's and because of this and the increase in pedestrians due to children, things do feel a little more 'normal' here in PP although of course there's a very long way to go yet.  I took a little detour with the dogs at lunchtime today and walked past Nostalgia and then left in the corner of the square by Bonys, and took this picture:

I spent some time today putting together the playlist for Saturday in lieu of the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show on English Radio Pollensa - this week the theme is family,  I think everyone is missing members of their family so it was an easy choice.  Some great suggestions, as ever, and I really enjoy putting things together.  Mind you, I'd rather be doing the radio show and am sooooo looking forward to being back on air at some point.

I've spent some time today on the new jigsaw puzzle and have decided that it's all very well deliberately getting a 'busy' one so that I don't have hundreds of pieces of blue sky for example, but actually this one is so busy that it's making me quite dizzy!  Still, I've started so I'll finish......

Other activities included some domestic goddess credentials renewal aka cleaning, doing some logic puzzles and reading.  And of course the 8pm applause for key workers.  Our dog Alfie now actually reminds us when it's due, goes to the balcony and always, always joins in, barking his little heart out the minute he hears the police sirens, even in the distance!  This is all very lovely and sweet at the moment, but once we're back to normal, he's going to bark like mad every time he hears a siren which is going to be a bit of a pain 😳

So, this has been quite a day for a lot of us who are excitedly looking forward to Saturday now - will the streets be thronged at 6am?  We shall see 😜

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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