Thursday 21 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 68

It was all go in the kitchen today prepping things for our little gathering (in large part to celebrate Ian's birthday) in the afternoon.  I made some cheese straws and generally faffed about chopping cruditΓ©s just like the domestic goddess I am πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And today was HOT - about 27 or 28 degrees!  I was a veritable whirlwind and by the end of my morning's efforts I was melting.  Not to mention the fact that the fridge was full to bursting.  If it hadn't been so full, I would have tried to get in it to cool down if I'm honest but carrot cake and dips took priority.

While all this was going on in the kitchen, Ian walked the dogs and happened to see a couple of police officers walking along but not wearing any masks so took the opportunity to ask them about the new rule as of today whereby everyone over the age of 6 has to wear a mask.  They said that for example walking the dogs, no mask was required but we would need to have one for going into any shops.  So it seems it really does apply for situations where 2m social distancing is a challenge, both inside and outside but of course inside is the most likely.  Eroski have said they will only let people in wearing a mask so there you are - if you want to eat, you need a mask!

Once my Great British Bake Off meets Masterchef and dabbles in How Clean is Your House duties were done, I quickly made myself look respectable and then our friends arrived.  It was so lovely to have a few friends round after all these weeks.  And we were all very well behaved, no touching.  We greeted everyone with a glass of cava to celebrate the fact that this was the first time we'd been able to do something like this in such a long time, so it all felt very celebratory.  And so the afternoon passed in a hot haze of chatting, eating and drinking on our roof terrace.   I'm pleased to say that the cheese straws and carrot cake were very well received πŸ˜‡  

Personally I think Alfie and Tally shouldn't be drinking wine at their age but what do I know πŸ˜‚  Afternoon moved into evening and out came the sambuca - well it would have been rude not to! 

In more general news the government has secured a 15 day extension to the state of alarm here until 7 June and the Prime Minister has indicated that a further extension may be sought thereafter.  But things appear to be heading in the right direction - Spain's Covid-19 death rate has stayed under 100 for the fourth day in a row πŸ‘  And in the Balearics there have been no deaths in the last 24 hours πŸ‘  All of this gives us hope that Phase 2 will start on Monday but we still have to wait for confirmation.

It's looking promising here 😁 we just need to keep going.......

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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