Tuesday 19 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 66

A busy morning today.  Ian went off to the boatyard to do some work on the boat which, with a bit of luck, we'll get in the water maybe some time next week.  I did some tidying up and then headed out to do some shopping via having a nice coffee at Pascalinos.  It really must be the best seat in the Port right now as the view is fab and not only is a nice coffee only 1,50€ it comes with......drum roll.....not one but two rich tea biscuits.  Much nicer than one of those fiddly little biscuits that come in a packet; they do taste ok but the wrapping cannot be good for the planet.  

The medium sized Chinese shop in C/Roger de Flor is now open (I don't know if the huge one near the Flora is) - I'm not sure the shop is less than 400m sq and although I saw there had been a slight amendment to the rules as of yesterday in that larger shops could open now but only 400m sq with the rest taped off - I think they may have just put their fingers in their ears "la la la can't hear you" and opened anyway.  It didn't worry me either way to be honest as they weren't exactly crowded so no harm done and they'd be able to open on Monday next week regardless (assuming we move to Phase 2 of course, but I can't see that not happening) plus I got what I went in for which was one of those pump action soap dispensers to put hand sanitiser in.  There's plenty of hand sanitiser to buy right now but all the ones with pump tops have been snapped up by bars and restaurants for customers so I had to get creative!

Eroski was pretty busy but very civilised and I got some bits and bobs as tomorrow I'll be re-creating my carrot cake triumph of a few weeks ago; we're having a few friends round on Thursday on our roof terrace so I thought I'd go public with it as it were.  Then we took the dogs for their lunchtime walk and for the first time since the lockdown we were able to go beyond the yacht club gates and let them off their leads up on the marina wall.  Here is the view and what a view it is 😍

They loved it but as they're a bit unfit at the moment I think they were quite pleased that we could only go about two-thirds of the way along so we couldn't reach the lighthouse; there was a barrier as they've just re-concreted the marina wall walkway as part of the work they've been doing throughout most of the lockdown.  After lunch we sat on the roof terrace although as it was rather breezy today it was a bit of a challenge as in my wisdom I'd decided to read the paper but ended up with it plastered all over me πŸ˜‚

This evening we went for a little wander - nothing new to report although the doors of the pizzeria under the Eolo were open so someone was doing something there.  Nearby however, the council has started work on the subsidence between the 1919 roundabout and the sea which occurred during the big two day storm in January.  Here it is about three weeks ago although the photo doesn't really show how bad the subsidence really was:

And here it is today:

Sad news also - yesterday the staff at Ca'n Cuarassa were told that it is closing permanently and they have all lost their jobs.  They can't continue financially as there are no tourists.  A very sad situation indeed but one that I'm sorry to say will probably be replicated elsewhere 😒  the economic impact of this is going to be felt for a very long time in very many countries I think.

One little but interesting thing I'm not sure I've mentioned is that the large green bins in the street with the lids where you put the non-recyclable household rubbish have had the lids locked open since the lockdown started (there's an irony there somewhere!) so that people don't have to touch anything but can just throw the rubbish in.  A simple but effective measure.

Tomorrow is going to be a day of domestic goddessing prior to Thursday.....hmmm, let's see how that goes.....😝

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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