Thursday 28 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 75

Good grief, 75 days since all this started!  Mind you, Phase 2 is feeling pretty good and we're all sticking to the hand washing, mask wearing, social distancing new 'normal'.  If and when tourism does re-start it will be very interesting to see if visitors are as rigorous as we are at whatever rules are in place at the time.  

Updates from the Port that I have seen today are that work on the Daina is now going on so maybe they're intending to open in July when the government has said it would like tourism to recommence, or maybe they just want to finish the work and be done with it - who knows?  Work at what was Guru is full steam ahead now with the canopy installed above and it's all looking very smart.  The windows are all whitened out so I can't see what may be going on inside but will keep a watchful eye!  And Brisa Marina opened a week ago, forgot that!  All in all, quite a few restaurants and bars have opened or are opening so if you're intending to come here should travel be possible, there will be plenty to choose from even if there won't be quite as many choices as before.

This morning was taken up with a video call with my oldest daughter as a family quiz evening is planned for Saturday.  I then headed out to the charity shop and, in a fit of confident enthusiasm, bought a 1,500 piece jigsaw puzzle ๐Ÿ˜ณ  Counting all the pieces just to check they're all present and correct will be no mean achievement, and then sorting out the edge pieces, never mind doing the actual jigsaw.  I reckon it'll take me 2-3 weeks minimum.  But first I have to get through two 1,000 piece ones - what have I started??! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I took the dogs to La Gola again for their lunchtime walk, stopped to look at a rather lovely egret and, whilst my back was briefly turned, Alfie did a cheek and shoulder dive into something so unmentionable I won't mention it, but suffice it to say I gagged ๐Ÿคฎ And there I was, in La Gola with a delighted and very over-excited dog, plastered with something unmentionable which was also on his collar (although mercifully not his body harness) and his furry sister (a real princess, our Tally) who recoiled in horror and backed away which was pretty much my reaction too.  Alfie then decided that our combined reaction meant he'd better shake himself....he shook off some of what can only be described as bits of the aforementioned unmentionable (lol).......and I was wearing shorts and flip-flops........  I felt violated ๐Ÿ˜ฑ  I had to use a piece of nearby rubbish to scrape off...... well never mind, you get the drift!  I briefly toyed with chucking him into the water in La Gola but even through the fog of gagging I realised this would not be a good doggy parent look so the three of us took the walk of shame back home taking the quietest back roads I could manage.  I say walk of shame, Tally and myself were mortified; Alfie on the other hand strutted along as if life didn't get any better.  By the time we reached the relative sanctuary of the bottom of the staircase to our apartment I was borderline hysterical.  He was marched straight into the shower via a visit to the cupboard under the sink because I was not touching him without marigolds on and I knew the delights of removing his unmentionable covered collar (one that comes off over his head so think about that for a moment ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) awaited me.  He's a wriggler in the shower, so trying to hold a lively dog covered in unmentionable with one hand whilst turning on the shower and getting his collar off with the other was no easy feat let me tell you.  All I will say is that the smell was so bad that although the actual unmentionable was removed the first time, it took two further shampoos to get rid of the smell.  Once his fur had dried, he was liberally sprayed with doggy conditioner which smells divine but the liberality on this occasion was such that he now smells like the perfume area in a department store.  I only started speaking to him again about an hour ago.

This evening's dog walk was a calmer affair and we went along the harbour wall where we could let them off their leads and no risk of....well, you know.   It was pretty windy but gorgeous and this beautiful classic yacht, which I've been admiring for a few days as it's been moored alongside the yacht club quay, was out and making the most of it:

She had the headsail down by the time this picture was taken but had been using it just beforehand - absolutely beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ the sea is normally getting busy at this time of year but at the moment, this gorgeous yacht had the bay almost to herself.

We still don't know if the Balearic Island regional government's request for the islands to all move to Phase 3 of de-escalation on Monday and for travel between the islands will be approved.  Formentera is ahead and would move to Phase 3 on Monday anyway.  But approval of the request would mean all the islands de-escalating at the same time, with Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza only having been in Phase 2 for one week instead of the two-week time frame set out for each phase.  We will have to wait and see what the national government decides......

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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