Thursday 14 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 61

Rain was forecast today so we got up and ready pretty swiftly and headed off on our bikes for a nifty little 15km bike ride.  We headed out Hotel Llenaire way and just rode around mentally buying lots of lovely villas.  We stopped for some water beside an unoccupied and semi-derelict villa on a corner; it wasn't that old but the last time any work had been done there was certainly more than a few years ago.  It was on a large plot with lots of space in front which was overgrown but gardening services were being provided by a modest herd of goats who were wandering happily all over the place.  And in effect, the villa was acting as a giant goat shed.  Now given the cost of property here, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a villa on a decent plot in such a wonderful area that you could just use for goat-keeping?!  Lucky goats 🐐

We stopped for a coffee at Cafe Vitho on the seafront (next to what was Mombasa) on the way home and this time no police to tell us we couldn't sit on the beach wall!  Once home after breakfast we tackled washing the dogs.  They were NOT impressed!  We did Tally first who immediately did her inability to stand act so had to be carried in.  Once she was done I went in search of Alfie who was eventually discovered hiding in Tally's bed which was not a bad place to be honest as the lining is black as is Alfie and at first I didn't actually spot him - maybe he's not as daft as he looks!  They're being washed because tomorrow a friend who is a dog groomer is coming to show us how to groom them properly; as we managed a basic groom a few weeks ago we decided we would aim to do them ourselves if we could as it will save us a fortune.  So tomorrow both we, and the dogs, will be on a steep learning curve 🐶

After lunch and given that it was by now raining I thought I'd better renew my domestic goddess credentials and so after a spot of cleaning, I made a Swiss Roll.  As you do.  I've never made one before ever but I saw a recipe last week that appealed to me with it's simplicity and provenance.  I found it as part of the media coverage on VE Day anniversary celebrations and it was titled "Churchill's Swiss Roll".  After giving a VE Day speech, Churchill told his chef Georgina Landemare he could not have got through the war without her.   Apparently Georgina was with the family for twenty-two years.  The recipe uses no butter which was intriguing and if it was good enough for Churchill it's good enough for us, so I had to try it.  Long story short - it did roll and didn't crack.  Nigella eat your heart out 😂 I was delighted and here it is:

After a nice cup of tea and a piece of the fruits of my labour, I calmed down from such excitement by doing some more jigsaw puzzle.  Another one arrived in the post today but I've boobed - I thought I'd ordered a 1,000 piece puzzle of flags of the world; well I got the subject right's only 300 pieces, oops!  Never mind, I might set myself a challenge and try to do it against the clock or something.  

Even though the weather hasn't been great today and people have to sit outside on terraces, there have been people out for coffees, drinks etc and I'm glad for the cafes/restaurants trying to make a living.  However even if the weather had been good, we are being careful about how often and where we go out now as it's important not to be too complacent; Covid-19 hasn't gone never to return, more's the pity and we want to strike a happy balance between, well, everything!  

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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