Monday 11 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 58

Day 1 of Phase 1 dawned bright and sunny and after breakfast we headed out for our haircuts - and my goodness how wonderful it was!  Once I'd had my hair layers and fringe sorted out properly I felt all swishy like a Pantene advert.  Heady with excitement we then made our way to Dolc Sa Pobla (behind the church) for a long awaited cafe con leche in a proper coffee cup ie. not takeaway.  Bliss!

The atmosphere out in the Port was like Christmas only with warmer weather - everyone was smiling and excited and a little bit giddy!  It was fabulous and it was clear how much everyone was enjoying themselves 😀  We walked a long way round, very excited that we weren't bound by any timing or having to keep an eye out for police as such.  We saw lots of friends and everyone was as excited and smiley as we were so the energy in the air was tangible.  We took the dogs for a nice walk early lunchtime and then made our way to Meraki (next to Bonys) on the square where we had a burger lunch, still feeling a bit over-excited 😝  

Once home after lunch we calmed down a bit.  I mean it's not good for too much excitement in one go at our age 😂 so I focused on my new jigsaw puzzle and managed to get a reasonable amount done although I stand by my opinion that this is the hardest one yet.  Meantime Ian practised his Spanish online and also went to collect some metalwork for the cockpit seats on our boat that he'd had made and then fitted them to the seats - I confess he went into the technicalities of what exactly he'd had made and why but it all went a little over my head if I'm honest but he's happy so.......  

After I'd walked the dogs we headed off for an evening of drinks and tapas, again at Meraki,  and what a lovely evening we had with friends.  It's hard to describe how it feels to once again be able to socialise with people (with care!) and everyone was quite giddy with excitement.  And the general hum of noise - haven't heard that in...well....57 days in fact.  Suffice it to say we had a wonderful time and it makes you realise how much we've taken going out for granted until now.  It would be wonderful if we kept that feeling of childlike excitement going but, well, we shall see. has been a heady mix of socialising and food that we haven't cooked - plus a few beers and wine 🍷🍻 and freedom, no panicky clock watching for our 'slot'.  We're not naive, there's a long way to go and the data on Covid-19 may change as a result of our move to Phase 1.  But it's been brilliant all the same and shows that the human spirit will prevail 💪

Stay safe and hasta mañana!

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