Friday 29 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 76

This morning we went to Mi Querencia in C/Juan XXIII for breakfast.  Tea and coffee are served in lovely assorted cups and saucers and it has very much the style of a UK ye olde tea shoppe.  Ian had some bits and bobs to sort out at home including getting our hot tub on the go so I went off to collect the keys from the agent for a friend's apartment to check that all was well.  Certainly in the heat, drains with standing water do get a bit whiffy here so a flush through of water with some disinfectant and - sorted!  Ian made good progress with the hot tub (more about that tomorrow) and before we knew it we had to head off to Moll de Bellagio for lunch in their lovely back terrace with friends.  And so passed a long afternoon of food, wine and friends!

In general news, the regional government of the Balearic Islands' request to move all islands into Phase 3 on Monday 1st June has been refused.  If I'm honest I think this was probably the right decision as two weeks is the best length of time to assess any effect on Covid-19 cases as we move through the de-escalation and taking a short-cut sets a precedent and before you know it - it's a slippery slope!  However the good news is that, given that a number of regions were behind Mallorca in the de-escalation plan, 70% of Spain will be in Phase 2 by Monday ๐Ÿ‘  On a cautionary note, we have been warned to expect new outbreaks as the de-escalation happens.....  But I understand there were no Covid-19 deaths in the Balearic Islands today which is good to hear.  The regional government's request to the national government to allow inter-island travel has not yet been responded to - hmmm, I think they are pretending they didn't hear that one.....  

Locally Arux, next door to Nostalgia in what was the Australia Bar, opened today and we intend going along some time over the weekend - they're doing breakfasts, tapas etc.  And Bar Toni just beside the church and up from Bar Manolo (where Sabor used to be) is now open too.  Today I also walked past what was Guru but as there was no work going on I nipped up to the door to read what was on the licence for the work and it said 'Sama Bar Restaurant' - so no exact details but.....we shall see!  The council are obviously expecting visitors though because they've installed the meters in the car park by the marina although not on the streets but then that's the same as it was last year.  Usually we get a warning as the meters are there but covered over for a few days but this year one minute it was free parking and the next, meters were up and running.  Sneaky!!  On a more negative note, Kashmir in the square has been emptied of all furniture etc inside - it has drapes up over the glass doors but I managed a sneaky peak down the gap at the side - I'm sooooo nosey ๐Ÿ˜œ

Late afternoon found us having a drink in Meraki (next to Bonys) in the square and pondering what the structure in the middle was!  

It was very festive and looked like a performance was in store which indeed turned out to be the case.  After a while a little queue of parents and children formed and some circus performers started warming up on the side aware from the church,  All the children and parents were wearing masks.  We could see some of the show when a performer was doing acrobatics or dangling from a hoop suspended from the high point of the bunting and very entertaining it was too.  I'm sure all the children enjoyed it ๐Ÿ˜ and certainly deserved some live entertainment after all those weeks confined to their homes.

I reflected on the fact that not so long ago the square was deserted and silent, and police patrolled regularly.  Now, despite the social distancing and masks, the place was busy, colourful and humming and, importantly, there were children; children were so conspicuously absent for so long that they still seem like somewhat of a novelty even now ๐Ÿ˜ 

Almost forgot - this morning as we sat a Mi Querencia a large boat on a lorry came down the street to be put back in the water.  This happens quite regularly but they stopped right by where we were sitting because the power cables across the street were caught in the top of the boat so someone had to get up there with a boat hook and lift them up like this:

It always impresses me how they manage to get such large boats down the main road to the sea both in terms of width and height - and this boat was by no means the largest I've seen go by.  Mind you, we usually see them from our apartment above; sitting at ground level and seeing one go by is a bit different!  And it kept us entertained during breakfast.

Tomorrow is hot tub launch day - bring it on! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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