Tuesday 12 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 59

Well after yesterday's exciting and heady day, we woke up feeling tired - and no I didn't have a hangover; two glasses of wine does not a hangover make.  Ian admitted to feeling sluggish and has remained so all day, mind you he had more than two glasses of wine.....😳  The idea had been to go for a bike ride this morning but that didn't happen - wonder why?!

Anyhow, after breakfast I went for a run on our trusty running machine and listened to the Graham and Sarah Saturday (radio) Show's playlist from the weekend where I'd asked listeners for suggestions on a theme of exercise.  Great playlist with some wonderful suggestions, as ever 💜  Once I'd showered and changed, we headed off to.....drum roll.....the Chinese shop in C/Juan XXIII.  I've been hoping one of them would open soon as I needed several things and this one, the smallest, opened yesterday.  They can make hay while the sun shines so to speak, because the other two in the Port are too large to be allowed to open just yet (retail premises have to be less than 400 sq m).  They had everything on my list so I was more than pleased.  We then went for a coffee at Dolc Sa Pobla behind the church just for the sheer pleasure of being able to.  Whilst out we had a WhatsApp from our party animal neighbours opposite who had kindly taken in a parcel for us, so we collected that and then took the dogs out for their lunchtime toilet walk.  We also returned the paella pan to Los Faroles; we had had a table booked for the Sunday that we went into lockdown here all those weeks ago on 15th March which seems like another lifetime now, so obviously that was cancelled, but we had takeaway paella from them instead before they shut their doors for the past few weeks and of course still had the pan.  

Places that are definitely open in various ways because I've seen them myself are Norai, Celler La Parra, Can Ferra, Ca Les Monges/Los Faroles, Cafe 1919, Tecun, Nostalgia, Meraki, Bar Manolo, La Vall, Bodeguita, the Music Bar, Pascalinos and what was Tonik Bar (can't recall the new name); Stay apparently opens on Friday and Moll de Bellagio opens their back terrace next Monday.  I so hope they all manage to do well but only time will tell.....

All day I felt absolutely shattered for no reason and although it sounds ridiculous, all I can think is that suddenly speaking to lots of people, the excitement and giddy headiness of yesterday, just drained me.  It's sort of like when you have a major event at work or in your personal life and then afterwards you feel sooooo tired, in a good way, but tired.  For 57 days I've basically interacted with hardly anyone face to face apart from Ian and then suddenly - BOOM! - you see and speak to just about everyone you know and it's bizarre and certainly unexpected but I don't think it's just coincidence.  

In the afternoon I had a good session with my new jigsaw puzzle; it is harder but I'm definitely getting better at doing them.  And, following yesterday's haircut, I did a bit of a pamper manicure/pedicure session during which the dogs entertained me playing with their toys of which, I think, they have far too many.  Here they are doing their impersonation of the Chuckle Brothers "to me, to you, to me, to you..."

They have been unimpressed with the last couple of weeks because for ages they had us 24/7 and I think they thought they'd finally got us properly trained, but now we go out sometimes so I expect we're heading for the naughty corner sometime very soon 😂

So we're ending our day quietly; it's important to enjoy going out in a socially responsible way but equally important not to do so too much - we've got a long way to go and we want to get there!

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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