Sunday 31 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 78

Another beautiful day dawned and we made the most of it by going for a 20km bike ride before breakfast.  We cycled down the seafront and then out towards and past Hotel Llenaire and off into the countryside coming out at Pollensa.  En route we stopped at 'goat villa' twice (we cycled a large loop) - a villa in a large plot which is given over to a herd of goats and which I've mentioned before.  Oh to have a 'spare' villa with land and just be able to say "Where shall we keep our goats?  Oh I know, let's put them in that villa we don't know what to do with, that'll do nicely!".  I can but dream.  In any event, there are currently some kids and an impressively bearded billy goat who seems more than happy with his lot in life - a harem of nanny goats and a villa with views of the Tramuntanas 🐐 It's a hard life but someone has to do it!

The goats jumped up onto the wall and were desperately trying to reach the olive tree leaves so Ian helped them out - they were very grateful and suddenly we had the whole herd over.  This is a photo of 'goat villa' -nice isn't it?

On the final leg we noticed some sweet donkeys in a field with a pony - totally idyllic and I'm sure I notice these simple scenes much more now than I used to - although maybe that's not strictly accurate; I've always noticed them but think I appreciate them more now 😍

Once back we went for a little walk and updates from around the Port are that Naciente has everything out in the garden area so I assume have just opened for business; Laroc (near Coral) opened about a week ago; Marc's (just round from Bonys) opened up on Friday; and Tiberi (opposite Marc's) has taken all the terrace tables that were inside and put them outside the doors, locked together, so I assume something is happening there but am not sure what yet and no-one was about to ask.

This afternoon was spent up on the roof terrace and in the hot tub, a reminder of how lucky we are to live here 💕

In wider news, the national government has just asked for a 6th - and importantly, final - extension to the state of alarm here which will take us to the 21st June.  This will need to be passed in Congress next week.  From that date the de-escalation plan will be over and people will be able to travel between regions without restrictions provided there are no unexpected problems.  In addition, regional governments will recover all of their powers to control the de-escalation - apart from issues of mobility - from next weekend, 8th June, by which time more than half the country will be in Phase 3  This is a faster movement than expected apparently.  But the fact that Spain has now registered its lowest number of new Covid-19 cases in three months and that the Balearic Islands have registered no new cases at all today is all an indication that we are, currently, heading in the right direction 👍

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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