Sunday 3 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 50

Well who'd have thunk it!  50 days in lockdown, but today and yesterday included going out for exercise so the last 48 days definitely paled into insignificance compared to the joy of that 😁  Today we set the alarm and got up early, forgoing breakfast in our enthusiasm.  We decided to mix it up a bit and go out on the bikes; we went on a 15km route around and about including out towards Hotel Llenaire and then down to the coast along the front, along the Formentor Road as far as the military base and then back around, into town and home.  The weather was fabulous and of course it wasn't too hot yet.  Once we got outside the Port there was very little traffic apart from a few other cyclists and it was just glorious looking around at the stunning scenery 😍  The freedom, the weather, the scenery - it made us glad to be alive and very grateful that things here are going so well.

Once down in the Port things were naturally a lot busier but everyone was keeping their social distance.  It is difficult to to do so on the cycle track on the front for sure but we found that the people on racing bikes used the road and in fact it wasn't too bad at all.  It may have been fanciful but everyone seemed so happy and smiley and just so grateful to be outside.  And actually I for one appreciate the freedom to go out in the fresh air so much more now than I did before - every cloud and all that!

When we got home we had breakfast which we felt we really deserved - bacon butties as is our habit on Sunday mornings and they tasted particularly good after our little trip 😎  I spent several happy hours on my jigsaw puzzle and think I may have just turned the halfway point which is extremely satisfying.  I think I may continue doing jigsaws as I really find it very enjoyable and relaxing.  Also colouring, that's something I think will also roll over into life in the future.

Much of the rest of the day we just mooched about on the roof terrace reading and listening to music.  Again today, as yesterday, we noticed the change in demographic out on the streets through the different time slots which really do seem to be working pretty well from what we can see.  But of course children are the ones we see and hear the most, trundling around on bikes, scooters, rollerblades and playing with balls on the beach.  I haven't seen a single one sneak under the police tape to play on the playground equipment anywhere which is good news.  

In other news I'm delighted that, if things continue to go well here and we reach Phase 2 of the de-escalation, the private language school that I teach at could be re-opening on 25th May which means I could be back to work fairly soon!  Admittedly only for just over a month until we close for the summer but I hadn't expected to be back in the classroom until September until quite recently so this possibility is a real boost.  Naturally there will have to be all sorts of distancing and other measures in place but if it can be safely achieved that will be very exciting.  Watch this space!

All in all, this weekend has been absolutely amazing πŸ˜ƒ and in a strange way, worth the 48 day wait.......

Stay safe and hasta maΓ±ana!

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