Monday 4 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 51

The big news today is that today, for the first time, the Balearics has registered no cases of or deaths from Covid-19 which is wonderful news and long may that continue! 

Otherwise Monday dawned in slightly less of a frenzy of people out and about during the morning time slot; some people are still working even if it's from home and therefore the weekend is likely to be a bit busier, but I guess also the heady excitement of the first couple of days has now settled to a steady enjoyment.  It was almost as if we all got outside in our droves not only because we hadn't for so long but just in case somehow the ability to do so was suddenly taken away again.  But now with today's good news I think we're all feeling optimistic that we can work through the different de-escalation phases to get to what will, as most governments and certainly the Spanish government has called, be the new normal.

We decided to shake things up a bit and go out this evening for a walk so the morning was filled with my online gym class and then a cheeky little 2km sprint on the running machine.  I also did loads of jigsaw-puzzling (is that even a word?!) and reckon I might just get it finished sometime tomorrow.  Meanwhile poor Ian took himself off on his bicycle for his dental appointment for a root canal treatment.  The same as last week when he went with his problem, the procedure was as follows - go through into the waiting room and then when the dental nurse comes in to call your name, they spray your hands with hand sanitiser and put a sort of paper gown on you (like a hospital one) with long sleeves and also bootees over your shoes before you go through to the dentist.  The staff are more or less in full hazmat gear.  But he had his treatment with no issues, paid, took off the gown and left, returning home on his bicycle via the farmacia for a prescription.   As he walked in I anxiously asked how it had all gone and then also enquired why he was wearing bootees ๐Ÿ˜‚ yep, he'd forgotten he had them on and had merrily cycled (luckily!) home but obviously walked into the farmacia with them on; they must have wondered why he didn't have a mask on but felt that his feet needed protection!

Today has been very hot.  It was forecast as 30 degrees on Spanish TV, I'm not sure but certainly it was late 20's.  Cue mooching about on the roof terrace whilst Ian tried to eat and drink some lunch - always entertaining when you've had several injections at the dentist!  I also renewed my slightly fraying domestic goddess credentials by dusting and hoovering the whole apartment to Ian's somewhat startled appreciation ๐Ÿ˜ฒ The domestic goddess bit is the part I'm not sure I'll be carrying forward into the future ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I think I will continue with the baking which I've always enjoyed but not been very ambitious about.

This evening's walk was fabulous and it was so lovely to be out on a balmy summer (well nearly!) evening.  We walked around to Pinaret and then back along the front and down Pine Walk.  The Muscovy duck, who rejoices in various names and is a famous local character, is still in his usual place on Pine Walk and looks in fine form; he's also acquired a rather attractive friend and they seemed inseparable.  As many regulars to PP know him, here he is with his new friend:

Paradice Cream on the corner by the 1919 roundabout (under Luna de Miel) is now open for business - ice-cream, crepes!  Ian had his money out faster than Trump signing up for a disinfectant convention and had his first draught pint in 50 days ๐Ÿบ I have seldom seen him so content.....

In other updates - Himalaya is now open for take-aways as is Pascolinos so we can choose Indian or Chinese as well as the great food from the other restaurants who have been doing home delivery.  So with these food possibilities plus the general buzz in the Port this evening as people jogged, cycled, roller-bladed and walked around it really does feel like PP is awakening from a very long sleep.

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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