Wednesday 13 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 60

Yep, we've reached 60 days now!  To be fair, the last 3 days have felt so different because we've been able to socialise - carefully mind you!  The big emphasis is on being careful.  And from what I can see, people are sticking to the rules, it's strange to see the Spanish greeting each other vocally only - no kissing etc - and very occasionally doing the foot tap greeting.  Hand sanitiser seems to be de rigeur in our bags now, and bars have bottles of it in strategic places.  No menus - there are QR codes on the tables and you read the menu from them.  Staff in places I've been to all wear masks and gloves.  Phase 1 is scheduled to last two weeks so hopefully we'll all make it through Phase 1 successfully without a rise in Covid-19 cases but all we can do is be careful and wait to see.

Today I did my online gym class first thing and then had a good jigsaw puzzle session - think I might be becoming addicted!  We then took the dogs for their lunchtime toilet walk along Pine Walk to Pascolinos where we sat and had a coffee in the gorgeous sunshine.  Just because we could if I'm honest 😎 Here is the view from my seat:

Looking one way towards Cafe 1919 and the other towards the Sis Pins hotel the views are this:

Absolutely gorgeous but fairly deserted, especially when you consider what it would normally be like on a lovely day in mid-May.  This is what we'd expect to see during the winter as both Pascalinos and Cafe 1919 (far distant in the first photo) are both open in the winter as well.

Other places open that I didn't mention yesterday are ChefTable and Hostal Borras.  Several clothes shops are now also open but only 2 people are allowed in at a time and clothes tried on are set aside for a period of time plus Vero Moda for example has a steamer doodah to steam them as well.  I had wondered how buying clothes and whether we could try them on was going to work - and may have just popped in to Vero Moda just to find out, as you do.....😳

This afternoon I did some marking of student assignments and general online faffing about with teaching resources and then this evening we headed out for a couple of beers - well a coke and a couple of coffees in my case.  Everyone is so happy to see each other and it really is fantastic to see people face to face when you haven't seen them in 60 days!  I've never seen so many smiley people and it's really wonderful to think we've re-discovered the joys of friendship, chatting, joking - simple things that we all took for granted before I think.

Tomorrow we're going out for a bike ride first thing before we approach the weekend when, as is ever the way, the weather looks like rain - some things never change, even in Mallorca 😂

Stay safe and hasta luego!


  1. Have so much enjoyed feeling connected to P.P. through your blog. Lovely to see you all out and about. Wishing of course to be able to be there in the not too distant future.

  2. Hi Sandy, thank you! I'm sure next time you visit will be extra wonderful :-D stay safe!
