Saturday 23 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 70

So the intention was to go for an early bike ride before it got too hot, but Ian was keen to get to the boatyard to do some work on our day boat so after breakfast he headed off to do that and I went for a brisk 5km run.  I equalled my PB which was nice but frustrating!  And by the end of it I was dripping with sweat (nice!) and doing a passable impersonation of a tomato, a look which really suits tomatoes much better than me 🍅😅

I was a little behind on putting together the playlist for the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show but after a flurry of activity I got that done and shared on Facebook.  As ever, people have made some wonderful suggestions with some real 'blasts from the past' including "Jive Talkin'" (Bee Gees), Sweet Talking Woman (ELO) and "A Little Less Conversation" (Elvis).  The Top 10 this week was from the year 1982 with "House of Fun" (Madness) at Number 1 which is what I think our home is sometimes - both the fun and the madness 😂 here is the link if you want to check it out (just copy and paste it in your browser):

In other activities I've started my oopsy jigsaw puzzle purchase - only 300 pieces, I thought for reasons best known to me lol that it was 1,000 - and Ian kindly counted all the pieces in my recent charity shop purchased puzzle to check it was complete - it is and better still, I'm pretty sure it's only been done once at most as it's pristine!  So thank you Allen Graham charity shop for a good 4€ purchase.

During the afternoon we had our bespoke reversible washable face masks from Emporium Mallorca Pollensa delivered.  I chose two (so four designs) and Ian ordered one.  As they're reversible you can choose two designs for each mask which is wonderful, 6€ each.  I cannot wait to style it out in Eroski (other supermarkets are available).   Here we are, mod-ell-ing just two of the designs:

Their shop is at the bottom of the Calvari steps and they also make lovely bags, shoes and other accessories and I am really looking forward to a good browse in their shop once normal hours are resumed.  

This evening we went out for a cheeky dinner at Moll de Bellagio - we had two of their home deliveries during the full on lockdown here and it was lovely actually going there this evening and having a meal in their gorgeous back terrace; Ian had a calzone but I wanted nothing but a great pasta dish which I certainly got (tagliatelle with salmon to be specific) - just lovely.  Their terrace is so lovely and here is a general idea of what it's like:

Moll de Bellagio is almost opposite the Post Office here in the premises that used to be The Codfather.  Or down towards the sea from the charity shop.  Take your pick.....

The bar/restaurant owners we have spoken to are very pleased about the Balearics progressing to Phase 2 of the de-escalation of the state of alarm in Spain; all of Spain will be in at leat Phase 1 of de-escalation by Monday 👍  The Balearics are doing well with numbers - no deaths and only 2 diagnoses in the last 24 hours.  The economy really needs international tourism, which the Prime Minister has announced as welcome from 1st July but there are caveats and who really knows?  We'll just have to wait and see.

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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