Saturday 2 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 49

We woke up early mainly because we'd set the alarm ready for the big moment!  Up and dressed, Ian took the dogs for their first toilet walk.  We didn't bother with breakfast as we just wanted to get out there so once he was back with the dogs, off we went.  I was bouncing around like a child I was so excited, Ian was slightly less exuberant as he was a little less impressed with having to get up so early, but I was like a child at Christmas 😝We'd worked out a good route, all within 1km of home using the app I mentioned in yesterday's blog.  We are slightly more limited because a large chunk of the 1km radius is actually in the sea 😂 but took a route out of town as far as just past the Rosa Blanca, then left into Gotmar, across the bypass and down towards the Pollensa Park hotel, down to the sea front.  And here we are!

Once we got down to the sea front we saw quite a few friends and it was so lovely to see people and have a quick chat - at the appropriate social distance of course!  And - *soppy alert* - it was so nice to be able to walk with Ian and hand in hand 💕  It was only near the seafront it was a lot busier but everyone seemed to be sticking to the rules which was great to see.  It looked as it if was difficult to socially distance on the cycle path but people seemed to be making the best of it.  We then walked along the front up to La Cantina, then back and along as far as Pascolinos, back through the square and then back round to Bisanyes patisseria near the petrol station where we bought breakfast - two croissants and two cafes con leche to take home; we haven't had cafe con leche since the lockdown started so that was fabulous and breakfast was celebratory in every way 🎉 Police cars, of both types, were in evidence on the seafront so I think they were seeing how things were going and gearing up to the 10am 'changeover' to the over 70's.  Another observation is that, as most people know, the Port is very friendly and people often say "Hola" or "Bon dia' as they pass each other despite not knowing each other but today everyone was really grinning and saying it, it was as if the celebratory vibe was something we could all share - so we did!

Once home we observed out the window that indeed there seemed to have been a seamless changeover and now the people out and about were older.  I spent a couple of hours on my jigsaw puzzle - it doesn't seem like I have very much to show for it but I have made progress and it definitely keeps me out of mischief.  I then took the dogs for their lunchtime toilet walk, keen to see how things were looking with the new demographic of children from 12noon - 7pm.  And like magic everyone now out was a parent with children apart from us dog walkers.  It's fascinating how there's this new ebb and flow of different demographics and apart from a couple of minor transgressors, everyone in the Port , as far as I could see, seems ready, willing and able to stick to the rules 👏

In other news, it was very hot today, with temperatures in the late 20's.  It would have been nice if we'd had more of a run in to the heat as we seem to have gone from 0-60 in a few second so to speak, but hey ho I think we'll all manage.  We lounged around on the roof terrace for some time, I had a video call with one of my daughters and then it was time for the evening dog toilet walk which apart from avoiding a very strange man near the 1919 roundabout 😳 was pretty uneventful by comparison with the excitement of the rest of the day!

How to spend our exercise 'allowance' tomorrow - watch this space to find out!  Stay safe and hasta pronto.......


  1. What about getting a mask that looks like you are 70+ and then you could go out twice a day!😂

    1. 😂 tbh we could go out in the morning and evening slot and no-one would know but we feel we have had the dogs to walk throughout (not far but better than nothing) so we're being good! 😂
