Sunday 24 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 71

We've made it through to the end of Phase 1 (which hopefully we won't see again) - it's only taken over 70 days 😂 but at least we got there.  Some regions in Spain are moving into or staying in Phase 1 so we do feel lucky so to speak.  Phase 2 will certainly help local bars and restaurants as they will be able to have up to 50% of their outside terrace occupied and a maximum inside occupation of 40% although this can be altered to between 30-50% locally.  I believe here it will be 40% according to local bar/restaurant owners.  Larger shops and shopping centres etc can now open (although strangely Ian is less than keen to let me check this out 😂).  Importantly in somewhere like the Port, we will be allowed onto the beaches as long as groups of people maintain 2m distance.  There will also, from tomorrow, no longer be time slots for us to do exercise etc although we have been asked to leave the times between 10am -12 noon and 7 - 8 pm clear of exercising so that those over 70 aren't put at risk.  So overall, not as big a change as from Phase 0 to 1 but welcome steps forward all the same!

After our traditional Sunday bacon butty, we headed off in the car and with the dogs to Cala San Vicenc to give them their first really good off lead dog walk through the woods .  It was absolutely wonderful although the dogs took off at one point when we think they smelled goats 🐐 we managed to retrieve them but definitely goats were about and later we saw some.  The dogs worked themselves into a squeaking, leaping frenzy of excitement!  We're pretty sure that top of our dogs' bucket list is getting up close and personal with a goat.  What they would actually do thereafter is anyone's guess but they have always had a 'thing' for them.  We walked through to Cala Molins and had a coffee at Bar Mallorca just by the carpark.  The waves were quite a decent size although the photo doesn't really show it:

Those red flags would've been up regardless today!  🚩  Some views in and from the woods show what a lovely day it was, hot but not as scorchio as the last few days have been.

The paths in the wood were more overgrown than usual, I assume because no-one has been walking in them for a long time and everything was so lush and verdant.  The undergrowth was so thick and the dappled sunlight struggled to get through in places. So beautiful 😍

Meanwhile in the Port, Tierra de Fuegos (what was Tots) next door to Liberty Kitchen is now open as is Terrae further along on the opposite side.  And Ca'n Ferra (the 'little people') were absolutely packed out for lunch today.  There was also a long queue at Celler La Parra to collect Sunday takeout paellas.  Good to see.  However we ate out yesterday evening so it was a roast chicken dinner at home for us courtesy of domestic god Ian 😇  At the other end of the culinary scale, Burger King re-opened the other day and have marked their terrace tables out very clearly in order to ensure the correct distancing:

Now that I'm over the shock 😱😂 I was walking down a street close to where we live the other day with apartments directly opposite at the end.  And as I walked I became aware of a man on his first floor balcony; when I first saw him I thought he must be wearing flesh-coloured pants because he was leaning over (now, now - side view!) and I had sunglasses on 😎😂......but shall we just say, I then became aware that he wasn't 😳😳 he was completely unselfconsciously pottering on his rather low-walled balcony, taking in a bit of washing and then disappeared indoors.  Maybe lockdown has brought out his naturist side.  I had a strong cup of tea and a sit down when I got home I can tell you! 😂

Let's see what Phase 2 brings tomorrow.  In the meanwhile, stay safe and hasta pronto!

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