Monday 18 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 65

Teensie bit 'tired' this morning after Ian's birthday celebrations yesterday but I still did my online gym class and Ian went round to our garage in Pinaret to have a sort out, fit new wheel bearings on our boat trailer and just generally do his thing in what I call (very 'Miranda' πŸ˜‚) his man cave.  Many men have a man drawer, as described so hysterically by Michael McIntyre, but Ian went large when we moved here and bought himself a man garage.  I have only a vague idea of what exactly is in there but he can while away many happy hours which gives me a chance to do my thing so it's a win-win.  

This morning I also walked to Clarel (like Superdrug) near the Post Office and what was Guru.  Incidentally someone is doing work to the Guru premises both inside and on the terrace so I assume someone has taken on the premises but with seriously bad timing poor things.  Ambrosia and Hibiscus are also open now and Moll de Bellagio has opened its back terrace today which is truly lovely and our choice of place to sit and eat anyway so we'll go there sometime soon.  They provided us with two home deliveries during the lockdown which were very tasty!

Today for their lunchtime dog toilet walk, I took Tally and Alfie to the field in La Gola (over the road from the side of the big Eroski) and let them off the lead for the first time since lockdown started and really loved how much they enjoyed themselves; I think their reaction was probably how we were a while back when we were first allowed out to exercise!  Mind you, I can't recall running around and sniffing bums πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

After lunch I nailed that bad boy third 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  I am now certain that I will carry on doing them in the future and am looking forward to when the charity shop re-opens so I can see if there are any there.  In the past there have been some great ones but of course the moment I want to actually buy one, there won't be any available because life's like that! 😝 

Later we headed off to the smallest Chinese shop to buy some more files as I'm rearranging some of my library of teaching resources and then took a stroll down to Pascalinos on Pine Walk where we had a coffee and chatted to various friends who were there or who passed by.  I needed to use the 'facilities' and headed inside but was immediately shown the hand sanitiser by the door to use on entry so that was me told; I genuinely hadn't seen it was there but there was no messing about, it was pointed out in a friendly but firm fashion.  As in Meraki and Stay, all the staff are wearing gloves and masks and hand sanitiser is very much in evidence.  Once people leave, out come the staff with sprays and cloths to wipe everything down.  It's certainly very reassuring πŸ‘Œ

And on the subject of reassuring - today there were 2 new Covid-19 cases in the Balearics (there were 9 on Sunday) and no deaths.  So I think thus far we are doing well and maybe next week we'll be able to move to Phase 2; but let's not count any chickens........

Stay safe and hasta maΓ±ana!

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