Saturday 9 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 56

Woke up to grey and overcast skies here and lots of Phase 1 excitement and confusion on social media.  Bottom line is there are government guidelines and probably some further detail to follow and I'm taking things day by day.  Speaking of which, out and about during today's lunchtime dog toilet walk Ca Les Monges has the terrace tables out down the side street and has carefully taped distances on the floor of the undercover terrace at the front although no tables out there yet and no tape on the terrace of Los Faroles.  Can Ferra (the 'little people' ) are also opening and getting themselves sorted for take-away paella (by pre-order only).  The street just behind them - C/de la Verge del Carme - has activity going on in Tierra de Fuegos where it looks like they're decorating amongst other things; there has been activity in Trattoria de Razza at the far end on the corner but not currently.  

This morning we cycled round to the apartment we own as we had a bit of cleaning to do before our new tenants move in and Ian had the joys of putting in a new cistern mechanism so we went via the ferretería round the corner.  As they only open at 9am - and we were literally on their doorstep as they unlocked the shutters - we had until just 10am to get sorted and then cycle home.  And of course, sod's law, there were a few issues with the cistern so I stayed well away from Ian whose voice was going up the octaves in a rather impressive, if alarming, fashion 😳  In the nick of time he solved the problem, I say nick of time, it was 9:58am and we had precisely two minutes to get home (or blag it if caught and say we didn't know each other and were going shopping officer; this may have worked for Ian but I had a large pot plant in my front basket and I somehow think it might have stretched the bounds of credibility somewhat) .  Needless to say we pedalled VERY fast - eat your heart out Bradley Wiggins - and although we were about 10 minutes late we managed to get home under the radar and have some much needed breakfast.

Today's activities involved a hasty renewal of my domestic goddess credentials by making some rather tasty cheese straws.  

I've also found a recipe for Churchill's (as in Winston) Swiss Roll - one of his favourites made by his chef - and think I'll give that a go in the next few days.  And I've finally started my third 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle which, if the weather is as stormy tomorrow as currently predicted, I may spend several hours on this weekend.  

This evening we did the penultimate 8pm applause for key workers 👏 sad to think that tomorrow will be the last time we do it and see the police going round with blues and twos on to thank us.  I think this is the clearest indication yet that we are moving on to the 'new normal' here, although there is still some distance to travel.

Tomorrow's stormy predicted weather may scupper our plans for a bike ride but if it does - well we can get wet.....or maybe just use our trusty running machine instead!!

Stay safe and hasta mañana!

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