Tuesday 5 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 52

Up with the alarm on a hot and hazy morning and off out for a cycle ride before breakfast.  We're not sure exactly how far we went but it was easily the same or longer than Sunday's 15km.  Our route was up the road to Pollensa and then left before Lidl.  We pedalled around the gorgeous countryside enjoying the scenery and the peace.  Very occasionally a vehicle went past but we met quite a lot of cyclists.  A few gardeners were.....well gardening.... and we also passed a guy mending one of those gorgeous stone walls.  We went wrong a couple of times and had to turn around and double back making it difficult to work out exactly how far we covered but had a great time anyway.  I window-shopped a number of villas as you do - all totally unaffordable given the high cost of property out here but it's fun to dream!  

We came back along the front and after a little trip round the centre of the Port as well simply because we could, we got back home for breakfast which we really felt we'd earned.  And let's just say we've also now found out why 'proper' cyclists wear those padded lycra shorts 😳   After sitting down with slightly more care than normal it was time to watch a bit of TV and.... relax.  Today was also the day that I finally finished my second jigsaw puzzle which was very satisfying.  Well I say finished - I ended up with a gap in the blue sky where two pieces should be.  I looked high and lo but couldn't find them.  I was not impressed!  Ian appeared and I lamented how unfair life was blah blah blah.  "Are they these two?" he said, picking up two pieces that were playing a cunning game of hide and seek by lying on top of other identically blue pieces that were already in place.  I didn't know whether to kill him or kiss him!  He knew better than to put them in place though; I think the slight facial twitch he could see as I came over was enough of a warning....... 😜

This evening during the 8pm applause for key workers I managed to get a photo of the pharmacy staff outside the pharmacy applauding as the police went past with their blues and twos.  

The Policia Local always wave and clap as well which is nice although the Guardia Civil don't even put their sirens on - you'd think they could manage to press the flippin' button wouldn't you?  Anyhow, their loss!

Today saw two new cases of Covid-19 in the Balearics but I think that's par for the course at the moment; it will be interesting to see how the numbers work out over the rest of this week to get an idea of how we're really shaping up to possibly move on to Phase 1 of the de-escalation plan next Monday.  I understand that Prime Minister Sanchez has a bit of a potential problem ahead as some of the politicians in Catalunya are planning to vote against a further extension to the state of alarm when he requests it tomorrow.  Where that will all end up I have no idea.  But closer to home, the President of the Balearics is urging the government and the EU to implement and co-ordinate health checks of all passengers at the point of origin in order to re-launch tourism.  It's a difficult dilemma as the islands depend on tourism but can't afford to allow in people who could start the virus off all over again here.  We just have to hope that the powers that be strike the right balance, not a responsibility I'd want it must be said.  Let's see what happens tomorrow first....

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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