Sunday 10 May 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 57

Today we mostly had wet weather.  So we binned the idea of a wet cycle ride in the morning and whilst Ian sorted out some more bits and bobs at our apartment in Pinaret I took a decent length walk late in the morning time 'slot' with the dogs instead.  They were totally horrified and it was like dragging two sacks of potatoes around the Port but I managed it - just 😂

Due to the somewhat inclement weather we've watched three movies today, well two and a bit for me as I didn't like one of them and wandered off to make some headway on my last jigsaw puzzle.  And although I'm now pretty competent with puzzles, it's a good job because this one is definitely the most difficult yet, quite dark in colour and a lot of similar colours into the bargain - this will certainly keep me occupied this week.  We also both made various video calls to family which is always lovely.

The big task of the day was trying to decipher exactly what the new Phase 1 will mean as of 11:05 am tomorrow.  There's been a lot of confusion over a number of aspects of the changes, chief of which is about whether we can go out to have a drink or food at a 50% occupancy outside terrace or into a non-food shop at any time during the day or if it has to be during our time slot (which hasn't changed).  Anyhow....turns out we think we can (seems to be the best guess) go out at any time but exercise is only for the time slots.  How this is all going to work in actual practice is anyone's guess to be honest and may come down to the interpretation of individual police officers 😳 to be fair, they are trying to interpret the rules themselves so I guess we can truly say we're all going to be in the dark for a couple of days!!  

In terms of what establishments are going to have their terraces open I think the list runs to Los Faroles/Ca Les Monges, Norai, Ambrosia, Stay, Celler La Parra and Meraki.  Moll de Bellagio, Portofino, Nostalgia, Himalaya, Bella Roma, Pascalinos and Can Ferra I think are open for take-away food only for a while but I don't know further plans as yet.  I think Tecun and maybe Centric terraces will also be open.  And there are a few shops opening for other things such as Vero Moda clothes (yay!).  I assume at least one of the Chinese shops will open - I really hope so as I need a few things!  Tierra de Fuegos may open later in the week they told us when we walked past.  Interestingly, Cafe 1919 hasn't put any tables out which has surprised us as we thought they have a large enough terrace area to put sufficient tables out to make it worthwhile but there's been no movement there at all.  So we will watch with interest....

Tonight was the last applause for key workers (as far as I know) and definitely the last time the police came round at 8pm with the blues and twos.  Here they are and you can just see the birthday boy of a few weeks ago Joan, outside his front door:

In the end it was a bit of an anti-climax with hardly anyone else out on their balconies or at their doors so it was a bit of a contrast to the 'good old days' 😂 of the deepest part of lockdown when we had extended applause, music, singing and shoutouts.  But all good?! things come to an end.  

So, tomorrow is a brave new world and we will definitely try for a coffee out somewhere in the morning, and a beer (Ian) and a cheeky vino (me) in the evening.  But the most important event of tomorrow is.........I'm having a haircut and I am VERY excited.  If I say I have a fringe which was last professionally cut about a month before lockdown and which I've been keeping at bay with little scissors you'll realise just how big of a deal this is 😝  Watch this space!

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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