Saturday 16 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 63

Phase 1 seems to be going well so far - as of today there are 15 new cases in the Balearics but none required hospital admission and there have been no deaths.  We need to see how things go over a lot longer to be sure that Phase 1 has been a success mind you.  There are definitely some rather contradictory and 'hard to understand the sense of' rules; for example, you can go and sit on a bar's terrace with up to 10 other people at the same table but you aren't allowed to take exercise by going bathing in the sea (or communal pools).  However you can swim in the sea during the exercising time slot if you are a serious swimmer (like a triathlete).  You can only go for a walk up to 1km from your home but if you are properly striding out (ish!) and do so during the exercise time slot you can go as far as you like within the municipality.  You can't do exercise with friends you don't live with eg. cycling, but you can sit and have a drink or a meal in a group of up to 10 at a restaurant or in your home!  All a bit odd, but it is what it is and as far as I can see pretty much everyone is sticking to the rules.  I really hope so because the Balearics moving on to Phase 2 in a week's time depends on how well we do.  I believe the Balearic government has applied for us to do so - I have all my fingers and toes crossed!

On the subject of government, the Spanish government is asking for the state of alarm here to be extended for another month.  This would be whilst working our way, hopefully, through the various Phases.  And with regard to travel, Spain has extended entry restrictions for international travellers until 15th June.  This of course means no tourism is possible until at least then but with the state of the airline industry and countries at various stages of success in dealing with the current situation, I can't see that any other decision could have been made. 

Today started with a 5km run on our trusty running machine before breakfast so I felt very virtuous whilst eating my porridge 😇  Once showered, I went off to Lidl.  Bit rash to do so on a Saturday but I felt like living dangerously.  There was a small queue to get in but it moved really quickly and Lidl seems fully stocked now (there were a few minor gaps before but I haven't noticed any recently).  However it is sometimes difficult to stick to social distancing when someone stops right by what you need and doesn't seem to hear your polite request for them to move.  I ended up having to practically elbow one woman out the way to get to some garlic bread; not as bad as it sounds, I did it by sort of looming - I'm good at looming as I'm not far short of 6' tall.  Anyway, it did the trick and she moved out of the way sharpish.  Never fails......

Once back, triumphantly clutching my garlic bread, we watched some TV and I had a good go at my jigsaw puzzle which I'm determined to finish this weekend.  And I'm very close...

Mind you, I won't get much done tomorrow because it is Ian's birthday so maybe I'll extend until Monday.  We're going out for a meal which is more than we had thought might be possible until fairly recently, having resigned ourselves to a home delivery.  We will of course have to eat outside on a terrace and the weather forecast for tomorrow is cloudy and wet 😂  Where are we going? Hmmmm.......🤔

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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