Saturday 30 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 77

The day started with a 5km run whilst Ian went off to do some work on our boat which we hope to get in the water next week.  And I smashed my PB for 5km by 2:17 which was fantastic but rather puts the pressure on me now and I'm not sure I'll be beating the time again any time soon 🏃

Updates for the Port are that La Roca beach bar will be opening soon, their wooden building was lifted onto the sand yesterday which is great news if you like to sit on the sand listening to live music on a Saturday at the Llenaire end of the beach - and let's face it, who doesn't?!  And the shoe shop on the corner near Ca'n Ferra with a shop front on the main street is closing soon - evidently not due to recent events but because the owner is retiring.  I'm not sure how long that shoe shop has been there and am sure someone will tell me in due course, but I suspect it's been a landmark in the Port for some time and it will be sad to see it go 😞 was hot tub launch day.  Now, our budget doesn't extend to one of those giant square wood/fibreglass hot tubs and anyway I'm not sure our roof terrace would support the weight!  Plus we're quite high up and it would need a very tall crane indeed....but I digress.  Anyway, with the above in mind we bought a really good quality inflatable one last year after doing our research, reading reviews etc.  It has turned out to be an excellent purchase - once inflated it is solid, it bubbles amazingly well and is easy to put together and get started.  The sun heats the water very well but it has a heater to assist.  Usefully as it's inflatable, it can be taken down and stored over the winter which is exactly what we had done.  But it was time to get that little beauty up and running again now that the warm weather is here.  Here it is in all its glory:

Cheers! 🍻

This evening's dog walk was along the harbour wall and we could see just how busy it has been in the port today.  The slipway has been even busier than last week (weekends are always popular) with locals putting in day boats to go out for a family trip plus lots of people going out on boats from the marina.  Mind you it's nowhere near as busy as it would be normally at this time of year and probably it seems busy by comparison with the still silence of a few weeks' ago.  Anyhow, looking across to La Fortaleza we counted at least 20 day boat sized boats anchored there.  We like to go out on ours during the week precisely to avoid the busiest periods and I'm really looking forward to doing so next week.

Spirits here are generally good and Spain on Thursday reported only one death in 24 hours for the second consecutive day.  However infections have risen as of today with most cases in Madrid and Catalonia.  And the rise is happening as the de-escalation progresses so we need to be so careful.  More locally, there have been no Covid-19 related deaths in the Balearic Islands today which is very good news indeed.  But we mustn't become complacent as demonstrated by 11 members of the same family in Palma who have just tested positive 😱

Tomorrow we have a bike ride to look forward to which I'm sure will earn us a nice soak in the hot tub 😎  

Stay safe and hasta mañana!

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