Sunday 17 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 64

So Ian awoke this morning to me singing "Happy Birthday" which I suspect he'd have been happy to have avoided if possible but he was a captive audience 😂  After he opened his cards and presents we had breakfast and then generally mooched about.  It's amazing how time flies when you're mooching about!

We headed out to Meraki tapas bar in the square for Ian's birthday lunch and spent a couple of hours chatting to friends and thoroughly enjoying a selection of tapas in gentle sunshine.  The weather had been projected to be wet but was really pleasant, not hot, but warm with a gentle breeze.  Bar Manolo and Hostal Borras were also open (well, the terraces) and there was a gentle hum of people which makes such a contrast to the total silence that there was in the square previously.  After lunch we headed home and Ian in particular had several video calls with family - his son, daughter-in-law and three grand-daughters all sang him happy birthday together and he chatted with everyone for ages which was lovely.

We had a table booked at Stay for Ian's birthday meal 😎 but it was early at 6.30pm as currently they are closing at 9pm with last orders at 8pm and we certainly didn't want to be rushed.  During the last few weeks I have walked up to and past or around Stay whilst it's been empty so many times, so to finally actually sit down on their terrace was simply wonderful 🎉🍹 The staff were all wearing gloves and masks but were as attentive and welcoming as ever.  Tables were all well spaced and staff thoroughly sprayed and cleaned tables and chairs after they had been used.  We had their lovely menu del dia and wanted to have a long relaxing evening to enjoy it which was exactly what we got.  The meal was wonderful and although it had clouded over slightly, the breeze which had picked up a bit from 'gentle', died and the sea was like a mirror.  I was wearing a light cardigan but had brought a warm wrap assuming I'd need it later but I brought it home as folded as I took it!   They brought out his dessert with a candle (like they do) and he had an additional complimentary brandy on top of the ones included in the menu del dia.  So Ian was a very happy birthday boy!

FYI, the toilets were open but only one person is allowed in at a time and a sign reminds people to respect the 2m distance.  By the toilets was a table with a hand sanitiser, a box of tissues and a sign reminding of the importance of cleaning hands, disposing of tissues after use etc.  Very reassuring and I guess this is the new normal everywhere for the foreseeable future.

And so Ian's birthday ended with us feeling very lucky to have been able to spend it in such a lovely location, with such a great view and with such lovely food and service.  Not so long ago we thought the best case scenario was getting home delivery pizza - but I think we're all more than aware by now of how quickly things can change.  And sometimes in a good way.  

Stay safe and hasta pronto!