Monday 25 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 72

The first day of Phase 2 dawned somewhat overcast which was rather a pity given that it was the first day we've all been allowed to go on the beaches.  But that's life!  In any event, I didn't have a beach trip lined up for today which given that it actually rained at lunchtime was not the worst decision.  However I got the day going with my online gym class - this will be the last week of online classes because next week the gym re-opens although classes will be strictly distanced with markers on the floor to indicate this.  In addition we will have to 'sign up' to a class to ensure there aren't too many people as it won't be possible to squeeze someone in - once the class is full in terms of distancing, then it's full!  So things will be a bit different for a while but we will just have to get used to it - the new normal and all that.

I went to a friend's home for a cup of tea and a catch-up and brought with me some divine lemon tart from Mi Querencia Pasteleria Cafeteria which has finally opened in the shop that used to sell Mallorcan souvenirs, olive oils etc on the main street opposite Dickinsons property office.  I say 'finally' because they were due to have their opening on the very weekend we went into lockdown poor things.  Anyway, it's lovely and quirky and Karen's cakes are the stuff of legend.  

I finished my 300 piece (don't laugh!) jigsaw puzzle of flags today rather quicker than its challenging 1,000 piece predecessor.  

But.......the flag one comes with a colouring book of flag facts and information - admit it, you're laughing now! - and I am that sad that I will use it 😂 but I'm also laughing now because I know which are the only two square national flags and I didn't know that before. One day that will come in useful in a pub quiz, mark my words.....

The town is definitely feeling buzzier and people are out and about everywhere.  We're now allowed to exercise out of our previous time slots but have to avoid the slots still allocated to the over 70's.  I have heard rumours that locally a couple of people have been stopped and fined for not having masks with them (you don't have to wear one all the time but have to have one should the need arise as it were).  But everyone I have seen has one either on over their mouth and nose, hanging jauntily under their chin for a quick lift into place or looped onto their lower arm; I like to keep people guessing and carry mine in my bag - but it's definitely there 😇  Tomorrow, Ian is taking someone to Palma for some boating supplies and as they are from separate households they both have to wear masks in the car for the journey there and back and everything in between.  Luckily it's not scheduled to be scorchio but I suspect it will still be a bit hot and sweaty 😷💦

The other big news of the day (apart from a bit of a kerfuffle in the UK 😳) is that Spain has announced that it will open for tourism from 1st July.  This is of course wonderful from an economic point of view but due to restrictions in other countries, flights, the fear factor - who knows how that will shape up in terms of beneficial impact on the Port?  Like everything else just lately, we will simply have to be patient, as ever, and wait and see.....

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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