Sunday 31 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 78

Another beautiful day dawned and we made the most of it by going for a 20km bike ride before breakfast.  We cycled down the seafront and then out towards and past Hotel Llenaire and off into the countryside coming out at Pollensa.  En route we stopped at 'goat villa' twice (we cycled a large loop) - a villa in a large plot which is given over to a herd of goats and which I've mentioned before.  Oh to have a 'spare' villa with land and just be able to say "Where shall we keep our goats?  Oh I know, let's put them in that villa we don't know what to do with, that'll do nicely!".  I can but dream.  In any event, there are currently some kids and an impressively bearded billy goat who seems more than happy with his lot in life - a harem of nanny goats and a villa with views of the Tramuntanas ๐Ÿ It's a hard life but someone has to do it!

The goats jumped up onto the wall and were desperately trying to reach the olive tree leaves so Ian helped them out - they were very grateful and suddenly we had the whole herd over.  This is a photo of 'goat villa' -nice isn't it?

On the final leg we noticed some sweet donkeys in a field with a pony - totally idyllic and I'm sure I notice these simple scenes much more now than I used to - although maybe that's not strictly accurate; I've always noticed them but think I appreciate them more now ๐Ÿ˜

Once back we went for a little walk and updates from around the Port are that Naciente has everything out in the garden area so I assume have just opened for business; Laroc (near Coral) opened about a week ago; Marc's (just round from Bonys) opened up on Friday; and Tiberi (opposite Marc's) has taken all the terrace tables that were inside and put them outside the doors, locked together, so I assume something is happening there but am not sure what yet and no-one was about to ask.

This afternoon was spent up on the roof terrace and in the hot tub, a reminder of how lucky we are to live here ๐Ÿ’•

In wider news, the national government has just asked for a 6th - and importantly, final - extension to the state of alarm here which will take us to the 21st June.  This will need to be passed in Congress next week.  From that date the de-escalation plan will be over and people will be able to travel between regions without restrictions provided there are no unexpected problems.  In addition, regional governments will recover all of their powers to control the de-escalation - apart from issues of mobility - from next weekend, 8th June, by which time more than half the country will be in Phase 3  This is a faster movement than expected apparently.  But the fact that Spain has now registered its lowest number of new Covid-19 cases in three months and that the Balearic Islands have registered no new cases at all today is all an indication that we are, currently, heading in the right direction ๐Ÿ‘

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Saturday 30 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 77

The day started with a 5km run whilst Ian went off to do some work on our boat which we hope to get in the water next week.  And I smashed my PB for 5km by 2:17 which was fantastic but rather puts the pressure on me now and I'm not sure I'll be beating the time again any time soon ๐Ÿƒ

Updates for the Port are that La Roca beach bar will be opening soon, their wooden building was lifted onto the sand yesterday which is great news if you like to sit on the sand listening to live music on a Saturday at the Llenaire end of the beach - and let's face it, who doesn't?!  And the shoe shop on the corner near Ca'n Ferra with a shop front on the main street is closing soon - evidently not due to recent events but because the owner is retiring.  I'm not sure how long that shoe shop has been there and am sure someone will tell me in due course, but I suspect it's been a landmark in the Port for some time and it will be sad to see it go ๐Ÿ˜ž was hot tub launch day.  Now, our budget doesn't extend to one of those giant square wood/fibreglass hot tubs and anyway I'm not sure our roof terrace would support the weight!  Plus we're quite high up and it would need a very tall crane indeed....but I digress.  Anyway, with the above in mind we bought a really good quality inflatable one last year after doing our research, reading reviews etc.  It has turned out to be an excellent purchase - once inflated it is solid, it bubbles amazingly well and is easy to put together and get started.  The sun heats the water very well but it has a heater to assist.  Usefully as it's inflatable, it can be taken down and stored over the winter which is exactly what we had done.  But it was time to get that little beauty up and running again now that the warm weather is here.  Here it is in all its glory:

Cheers! ๐Ÿป

This evening's dog walk was along the harbour wall and we could see just how busy it has been in the port today.  The slipway has been even busier than last week (weekends are always popular) with locals putting in day boats to go out for a family trip plus lots of people going out on boats from the marina.  Mind you it's nowhere near as busy as it would be normally at this time of year and probably it seems busy by comparison with the still silence of a few weeks' ago.  Anyhow, looking across to La Fortaleza we counted at least 20 day boat sized boats anchored there.  We like to go out on ours during the week precisely to avoid the busiest periods and I'm really looking forward to doing so next week.

Spirits here are generally good and Spain on Thursday reported only one death in 24 hours for the second consecutive day.  However infections have risen as of today with most cases in Madrid and Catalonia.  And the rise is happening as the de-escalation progresses so we need to be so careful.  More locally, there have been no Covid-19 related deaths in the Balearic Islands today which is very good news indeed.  But we mustn't become complacent as demonstrated by 11 members of the same family in Palma who have just tested positive ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Tomorrow we have a bike ride to look forward to which I'm sure will earn us a nice soak in the hot tub ๐Ÿ˜Ž  

Stay safe and hasta maรฑana!

Friday 29 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 76

This morning we went to Mi Querencia in C/Juan XXIII for breakfast.  Tea and coffee are served in lovely assorted cups and saucers and it has very much the style of a UK ye olde tea shoppe.  Ian had some bits and bobs to sort out at home including getting our hot tub on the go so I went off to collect the keys from the agent for a friend's apartment to check that all was well.  Certainly in the heat, drains with standing water do get a bit whiffy here so a flush through of water with some disinfectant and - sorted!  Ian made good progress with the hot tub (more about that tomorrow) and before we knew it we had to head off to Moll de Bellagio for lunch in their lovely back terrace with friends.  And so passed a long afternoon of food, wine and friends!

In general news, the regional government of the Balearic Islands' request to move all islands into Phase 3 on Monday 1st June has been refused.  If I'm honest I think this was probably the right decision as two weeks is the best length of time to assess any effect on Covid-19 cases as we move through the de-escalation and taking a short-cut sets a precedent and before you know it - it's a slippery slope!  However the good news is that, given that a number of regions were behind Mallorca in the de-escalation plan, 70% of Spain will be in Phase 2 by Monday ๐Ÿ‘  On a cautionary note, we have been warned to expect new outbreaks as the de-escalation happens.....  But I understand there were no Covid-19 deaths in the Balearic Islands today which is good to hear.  The regional government's request to the national government to allow inter-island travel has not yet been responded to - hmmm, I think they are pretending they didn't hear that one.....  

Locally Arux, next door to Nostalgia in what was the Australia Bar, opened today and we intend going along some time over the weekend - they're doing breakfasts, tapas etc.  And Bar Toni just beside the church and up from Bar Manolo (where Sabor used to be) is now open too.  Today I also walked past what was Guru but as there was no work going on I nipped up to the door to read what was on the licence for the work and it said 'Sama Bar Restaurant' - so no exact details but.....we shall see!  The council are obviously expecting visitors though because they've installed the meters in the car park by the marina although not on the streets but then that's the same as it was last year.  Usually we get a warning as the meters are there but covered over for a few days but this year one minute it was free parking and the next, meters were up and running.  Sneaky!!  On a more negative note, Kashmir in the square has been emptied of all furniture etc inside - it has drapes up over the glass doors but I managed a sneaky peak down the gap at the side - I'm sooooo nosey ๐Ÿ˜œ

Late afternoon found us having a drink in Meraki (next to Bonys) in the square and pondering what the structure in the middle was!  

It was very festive and looked like a performance was in store which indeed turned out to be the case.  After a while a little queue of parents and children formed and some circus performers started warming up on the side aware from the church,  All the children and parents were wearing masks.  We could see some of the show when a performer was doing acrobatics or dangling from a hoop suspended from the high point of the bunting and very entertaining it was too.  I'm sure all the children enjoyed it ๐Ÿ˜ and certainly deserved some live entertainment after all those weeks confined to their homes.

I reflected on the fact that not so long ago the square was deserted and silent, and police patrolled regularly.  Now, despite the social distancing and masks, the place was busy, colourful and humming and, importantly, there were children; children were so conspicuously absent for so long that they still seem like somewhat of a novelty even now ๐Ÿ˜ 

Almost forgot - this morning as we sat a Mi Querencia a large boat on a lorry came down the street to be put back in the water.  This happens quite regularly but they stopped right by where we were sitting because the power cables across the street were caught in the top of the boat so someone had to get up there with a boat hook and lift them up like this:

It always impresses me how they manage to get such large boats down the main road to the sea both in terms of width and height - and this boat was by no means the largest I've seen go by.  Mind you, we usually see them from our apartment above; sitting at ground level and seeing one go by is a bit different!  And it kept us entertained during breakfast.

Tomorrow is hot tub launch day - bring it on! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Thursday 28 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 75

Good grief, 75 days since all this started!  Mind you, Phase 2 is feeling pretty good and we're all sticking to the hand washing, mask wearing, social distancing new 'normal'.  If and when tourism does re-start it will be very interesting to see if visitors are as rigorous as we are at whatever rules are in place at the time.  

Updates from the Port that I have seen today are that work on the Daina is now going on so maybe they're intending to open in July when the government has said it would like tourism to recommence, or maybe they just want to finish the work and be done with it - who knows?  Work at what was Guru is full steam ahead now with the canopy installed above and it's all looking very smart.  The windows are all whitened out so I can't see what may be going on inside but will keep a watchful eye!  And Brisa Marina opened a week ago, forgot that!  All in all, quite a few restaurants and bars have opened or are opening so if you're intending to come here should travel be possible, there will be plenty to choose from even if there won't be quite as many choices as before.

This morning was taken up with a video call with my oldest daughter as a family quiz evening is planned for Saturday.  I then headed out to the charity shop and, in a fit of confident enthusiasm, bought a 1,500 piece jigsaw puzzle ๐Ÿ˜ณ  Counting all the pieces just to check they're all present and correct will be no mean achievement, and then sorting out the edge pieces, never mind doing the actual jigsaw.  I reckon it'll take me 2-3 weeks minimum.  But first I have to get through two 1,000 piece ones - what have I started??! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I took the dogs to La Gola again for their lunchtime walk, stopped to look at a rather lovely egret and, whilst my back was briefly turned, Alfie did a cheek and shoulder dive into something so unmentionable I won't mention it, but suffice it to say I gagged ๐Ÿคฎ And there I was, in La Gola with a delighted and very over-excited dog, plastered with something unmentionable which was also on his collar (although mercifully not his body harness) and his furry sister (a real princess, our Tally) who recoiled in horror and backed away which was pretty much my reaction too.  Alfie then decided that our combined reaction meant he'd better shake himself....he shook off some of what can only be described as bits of the aforementioned unmentionable (lol).......and I was wearing shorts and flip-flops........  I felt violated ๐Ÿ˜ฑ  I had to use a piece of nearby rubbish to scrape off...... well never mind, you get the drift!  I briefly toyed with chucking him into the water in La Gola but even through the fog of gagging I realised this would not be a good doggy parent look so the three of us took the walk of shame back home taking the quietest back roads I could manage.  I say walk of shame, Tally and myself were mortified; Alfie on the other hand strutted along as if life didn't get any better.  By the time we reached the relative sanctuary of the bottom of the staircase to our apartment I was borderline hysterical.  He was marched straight into the shower via a visit to the cupboard under the sink because I was not touching him without marigolds on and I knew the delights of removing his unmentionable covered collar (one that comes off over his head so think about that for a moment ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) awaited me.  He's a wriggler in the shower, so trying to hold a lively dog covered in unmentionable with one hand whilst turning on the shower and getting his collar off with the other was no easy feat let me tell you.  All I will say is that the smell was so bad that although the actual unmentionable was removed the first time, it took two further shampoos to get rid of the smell.  Once his fur had dried, he was liberally sprayed with doggy conditioner which smells divine but the liberality on this occasion was such that he now smells like the perfume area in a department store.  I only started speaking to him again about an hour ago.

This evening's dog walk was a calmer affair and we went along the harbour wall where we could let them off their leads and no risk of....well, you know.   It was pretty windy but gorgeous and this beautiful classic yacht, which I've been admiring for a few days as it's been moored alongside the yacht club quay, was out and making the most of it:

She had the headsail down by the time this picture was taken but had been using it just beforehand - absolutely beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ the sea is normally getting busy at this time of year but at the moment, this gorgeous yacht had the bay almost to herself.

We still don't know if the Balearic Island regional government's request for the islands to all move to Phase 3 of de-escalation on Monday and for travel between the islands will be approved.  Formentera is ahead and would move to Phase 3 on Monday anyway.  But approval of the request would mean all the islands de-escalating at the same time, with Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza only having been in Phase 2 for one week instead of the two-week time frame set out for each phase.  We will have to wait and see what the national government decides......

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 74

Wednesday morning means it's gym class morning ๐Ÿ’ช so that was my first of the day's activities followed by a quick 2km run on the running machine listening to some great music on the theme of talking as suggested by listeners to the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show on English Radio Pollensa.  Currently we can't broadcast as the mayor has yet to give the go-ahead to the radio station returning to normal running, so each week I post a theme as normal, but instead of a live show I put together a playlist instead and share some of the music that would have been played had we been able to broadcast.  The suggestions are always so good!  Suggestions this week ranged from "A Little Less Conversation" Elvis and "Road to Nowhere" Talking Heads to "Jive Talkin'" Bee Gees.  If you want to find it then look on the I Love Puerto Pollensa FB page or go to the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show FB page ๐ŸŽง There's also the Top 10 from a year gone by plus a bit more great music from across the decades including one or two new releases.

I took the dogs for their lunchtime walk in La Gola which is slightly inland just before Tolos where the seafront goes over the water channel.  It's a small wetland where the SIller and Gotmar torrents merge and flow into the sea, so the water is a mixture of fresh and salt water.   Here is a view looking inland today:

It was restored and equipped as a little park in 2007/8.  There's an Ornithological Centre there which was built in 2010.  I haven't seen it open very often but it does open from time to time and there are signs throughout the wetland with information about the different birds that can be seen there.  This is a view looking out towards the sea:

The lovely family who live in the house with the tower used to be our landlords when we first moved out here and we have been in that house - and it's as gorgeous as you'd imagine! ๐Ÿ˜

I left La Gola by what used to be the Buddha Bar which was empty for a while but opened up last year as Ca'n Pep Restaurant and Grill.  I had long admired the large elephant on their terrace and was interested to learn that recently he had been relocated on the roof but toady was the first time I'd actually seen it for myself.  Puerto Pollensa's very own Dumbo ๐Ÿ˜‚

After lunch we headed off to Lidl to do the main weekly shop - it still feels to me like a bit of an event despite the fact that we now have much more freedom.  Lidl and Cala san Vicente are the furthest I've travelled anywhere since lockdown started 74 days ago so it's hardly surprising really!  

Updates from the Port include Arush which is the new cafe opening on Friday in what was the Australia Bar next to Nostalgia.  They will be doing breakfasts and snacks and will be open through into the evening apparently.  They're lovely and I teach their older daughter so I really hope they do well.  And the terrace at Marc's was being jet-washed today so maybe they're opening in the not too distant future although currently they still have brown paper up over the windows etc.  

In more general news, today Spain started the first day of 10 days of mourning for all those who have died from Covid-19 ๐Ÿ˜ข  Flags are being flown at half-mast in honour of the nearly 27,000.  And yesterday Spain proposed that the EU open up travel routes between regions in the EU that have controlled the spread of the virus.  Basically parts of a country could open up to tourism before the whole country which would certainly help the Balearic Islands' economy!  Meanwhile, the regional Balearic government has asked for the whole of the region to enter Phase 3 of de-escalation on Monday 1st June instead of 8th June which is the date currently scheduled.  Whether this is granted, we will have to wait and see.  Phase 3 is enticing particularly because it means hotels could open their communal areas at 50% of capacity so you can see where they want to head with all this........ 

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 73

We woke up good and early as Ian was going to Palma for a few hours today.  So he headed off clutching his mask for the bright lights of Palma and after a leisurely start, I headed off for the rather less exciting, but nevertheless enjoyable, delights of the charity shop here in the Port.  I had a lovely browse wearing my mask and having cleaned my hands with sanitiser at the door first, and found a QI board game, a microwave rice steamer (our old one is falling apart) and a lovely top - all for the princely sum of 11€.  If you're here on holiday and need buckets and spades, beach towels and all that sort of thing and don't want to bring it here, why not buy from there and then return it on leaving - like a cheap rental and all in a good cause.  Also a good place to buy games for children if they aren't supplied with your accommodation.  But I'm jumping ahead a bit as Spain has announced that we have to wait until 1st July for tourism to resume.

A coffee at Pascalinos beckoned - and let's face it, there are few places that can beat the view from there while you drink it ๐Ÿ˜Ž  I saw and chatted to several friends and dodged the now over-cheeky sparrows who, once encouraged, were looking for crumbs - lockdown seems to have made them extra confident.  One of them actually picked up an entire rich tea biscuit for a few seconds which was bigger and heavier than he was!  They flew so close that you could feel the breeze from their little wings.  Once the word got out, we had about ten of them and it started to feel like an outtake from a certain Hitchcock film.  In future, my rich tea biscuits are staying firmly in my possession ๐Ÿ˜‚

Without commenting further, I have seen the photos of Southend-on-Sea beach yesterday on the UK Bank Holiday Monday.  From yesterday we have been allowed to go on the beaches here; this is the beach near Stay restaurant today at late lunchtime:

Good social distancing by all concerned ๐Ÿ‘  mind you, I still haven't been on the beach myself but fully intend to do so in the next couple of days.

To return to masks - they are quite hot to wear and just a teensy bit claustrophobic, especially with sunglasses on which, once inside, steam up ๐Ÿ˜Ž  I'm certainly glad I didn't have to travel all the way to Palma whilst wearing one.  But I'll just have to get used to it and am sure by the end of this week I'll be fine.  And I do love wearing one of my bespoke ones and styling it out like a boss ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ˜ท  I even chose today's pattern based on what I was wearing 'cos that's the way I roll!

I can report that work on the terrace of what was Guru is now gathering some serious pace; no indications yet as to what is planned but whatever it is is clearly intending to open at some point in the not too distant future so I'll keep an eye on that!  Joker, on the other corner from Pascalinos, is also putting things out on their terrace, cleaning etc so it looks as if that will open soon too.  And a couple of days ago the gardeners were hard at work in the garden of the Hostal Bellavista where the vegetarian/vegan restaurant Bellaverde is.  There was a decent sized truck backed in through the gates that was almost full so it's possible they may be scheduling an opening soon, either that or the weeds had become seriously impressive.....

Stay safe and hasta maรฑana!

Monday 25 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 72

The first day of Phase 2 dawned somewhat overcast which was rather a pity given that it was the first day we've all been allowed to go on the beaches.  But that's life!  In any event, I didn't have a beach trip lined up for today which given that it actually rained at lunchtime was not the worst decision.  However I got the day going with my online gym class - this will be the last week of online classes because next week the gym re-opens although classes will be strictly distanced with markers on the floor to indicate this.  In addition we will have to 'sign up' to a class to ensure there aren't too many people as it won't be possible to squeeze someone in - once the class is full in terms of distancing, then it's full!  So things will be a bit different for a while but we will just have to get used to it - the new normal and all that.

I went to a friend's home for a cup of tea and a catch-up and brought with me some divine lemon tart from Mi Querencia Pasteleria Cafeteria which has finally opened in the shop that used to sell Mallorcan souvenirs, olive oils etc on the main street opposite Dickinsons property office.  I say 'finally' because they were due to have their opening on the very weekend we went into lockdown poor things.  Anyway, it's lovely and quirky and Karen's cakes are the stuff of legend.  

I finished my 300 piece (don't laugh!) jigsaw puzzle of flags today rather quicker than its challenging 1,000 piece predecessor.  

But.......the flag one comes with a colouring book of flag facts and information - admit it, you're laughing now! - and I am that sad that I will use it ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I'm also laughing now because I know which are the only two square national flags and I didn't know that before. One day that will come in useful in a pub quiz, mark my words.....

The town is definitely feeling buzzier and people are out and about everywhere.  We're now allowed to exercise out of our previous time slots but have to avoid the slots still allocated to the over 70's.  I have heard rumours that locally a couple of people have been stopped and fined for not having masks with them (you don't have to wear one all the time but have to have one should the need arise as it were).  But everyone I have seen has one either on over their mouth and nose, hanging jauntily under their chin for a quick lift into place or looped onto their lower arm; I like to keep people guessing and carry mine in my bag - but it's definitely there ๐Ÿ˜‡  Tomorrow, Ian is taking someone to Palma for some boating supplies and as they are from separate households they both have to wear masks in the car for the journey there and back and everything in between.  Luckily it's not scheduled to be scorchio but I suspect it will still be a bit hot and sweaty ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ’ฆ

The other big news of the day (apart from a bit of a kerfuffle in the UK ๐Ÿ˜ณ) is that Spain has announced that it will open for tourism from 1st July.  This is of course wonderful from an economic point of view but due to restrictions in other countries, flights, the fear factor - who knows how that will shape up in terms of beneficial impact on the Port?  Like everything else just lately, we will simply have to be patient, as ever, and wait and see.....

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Sunday 24 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 71

We've made it through to the end of Phase 1 (which hopefully we won't see again) - it's only taken over 70 days ๐Ÿ˜‚ but at least we got there.  Some regions in Spain are moving into or staying in Phase 1 so we do feel lucky so to speak.  Phase 2 will certainly help local bars and restaurants as they will be able to have up to 50% of their outside terrace occupied and a maximum inside occupation of 40% although this can be altered to between 30-50% locally.  I believe here it will be 40% according to local bar/restaurant owners.  Larger shops and shopping centres etc can now open (although strangely Ian is less than keen to let me check this out ๐Ÿ˜‚).  Importantly in somewhere like the Port, we will be allowed onto the beaches as long as groups of people maintain 2m distance.  There will also, from tomorrow, no longer be time slots for us to do exercise etc although we have been asked to leave the times between 10am -12 noon and 7 - 8 pm clear of exercising so that those over 70 aren't put at risk.  So overall, not as big a change as from Phase 0 to 1 but welcome steps forward all the same!

After our traditional Sunday bacon butty, we headed off in the car and with the dogs to Cala San Vicenc to give them their first really good off lead dog walk through the woods .  It was absolutely wonderful although the dogs took off at one point when we think they smelled goats ๐Ÿ we managed to retrieve them but definitely goats were about and later we saw some.  The dogs worked themselves into a squeaking, leaping frenzy of excitement!  We're pretty sure that top of our dogs' bucket list is getting up close and personal with a goat.  What they would actually do thereafter is anyone's guess but they have always had a 'thing' for them.  We walked through to Cala Molins and had a coffee at Bar Mallorca just by the carpark.  The waves were quite a decent size although the photo doesn't really show it:

Those red flags would've been up regardless today!  ๐Ÿšฉ  Some views in and from the woods show what a lovely day it was, hot but not as scorchio as the last few days have been.

The paths in the wood were more overgrown than usual, I assume because no-one has been walking in them for a long time and everything was so lush and verdant.  The undergrowth was so thick and the dappled sunlight struggled to get through in places. So beautiful ๐Ÿ˜

Meanwhile in the Port, Tierra de Fuegos (what was Tots) next door to Liberty Kitchen is now open as is Terrae further along on the opposite side.  And Ca'n Ferra (the 'little people') were absolutely packed out for lunch today.  There was also a long queue at Celler La Parra to collect Sunday takeout paellas.  Good to see.  However we ate out yesterday evening so it was a roast chicken dinner at home for us courtesy of domestic god Ian ๐Ÿ˜‡  At the other end of the culinary scale, Burger King re-opened the other day and have marked their terrace tables out very clearly in order to ensure the correct distancing:

Now that I'm over the shock ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚ I was walking down a street close to where we live the other day with apartments directly opposite at the end.  And as I walked I became aware of a man on his first floor balcony; when I first saw him I thought he must be wearing flesh-coloured pants because he was leaning over (now, now - side view!) and I had sunglasses on ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‚......but shall we just say, I then became aware that he wasn't ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ he was completely unselfconsciously pottering on his rather low-walled balcony, taking in a bit of washing and then disappeared indoors.  Maybe lockdown has brought out his naturist side.  I had a strong cup of tea and a sit down when I got home I can tell you! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Let's see what Phase 2 brings tomorrow.  In the meanwhile, stay safe and hasta pronto!

Saturday 23 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 70

So the intention was to go for an early bike ride before it got too hot, but Ian was keen to get to the boatyard to do some work on our day boat so after breakfast he headed off to do that and I went for a brisk 5km run.  I equalled my PB which was nice but frustrating!  And by the end of it I was dripping with sweat (nice!) and doing a passable impersonation of a tomato, a look which really suits tomatoes much better than me ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ˜…

I was a little behind on putting together the playlist for the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show but after a flurry of activity I got that done and shared on Facebook.  As ever, people have made some wonderful suggestions with some real 'blasts from the past' including "Jive Talkin'" (Bee Gees), Sweet Talking Woman (ELO) and "A Little Less Conversation" (Elvis).  The Top 10 this week was from the year 1982 with "House of Fun" (Madness) at Number 1 which is what I think our home is sometimes - both the fun and the madness ๐Ÿ˜‚ here is the link if you want to check it out (just copy and paste it in your browser):

In other activities I've started my oopsy jigsaw puzzle purchase - only 300 pieces, I thought for reasons best known to me lol that it was 1,000 - and Ian kindly counted all the pieces in my recent charity shop purchased puzzle to check it was complete - it is and better still, I'm pretty sure it's only been done once at most as it's pristine!  So thank you Allen Graham charity shop for a good 4€ purchase.

During the afternoon we had our bespoke reversible washable face masks from Emporium Mallorca Pollensa delivered.  I chose two (so four designs) and Ian ordered one.  As they're reversible you can choose two designs for each mask which is wonderful, 6€ each.  I cannot wait to style it out in Eroski (other supermarkets are available).   Here we are, mod-ell-ing just two of the designs:

Their shop is at the bottom of the Calvari steps and they also make lovely bags, shoes and other accessories and I am really looking forward to a good browse in their shop once normal hours are resumed.  

This evening we went out for a cheeky dinner at Moll de Bellagio - we had two of their home deliveries during the full on lockdown here and it was lovely actually going there this evening and having a meal in their gorgeous back terrace; Ian had a calzone but I wanted nothing but a great pasta dish which I certainly got (tagliatelle with salmon to be specific) - just lovely.  Their terrace is so lovely and here is a general idea of what it's like:

Moll de Bellagio is almost opposite the Post Office here in the premises that used to be The Codfather.  Or down towards the sea from the charity shop.  Take your pick.....

The bar/restaurant owners we have spoken to are very pleased about the Balearics progressing to Phase 2 of the de-escalation of the state of alarm in Spain; all of Spain will be in at leat Phase 1 of de-escalation by Monday ๐Ÿ‘  The Balearics are doing well with numbers - no deaths and only 2 diagnoses in the last 24 hours.  The economy really needs international tourism, which the Prime Minister has announced as welcome from 1st July but there are caveats and who really knows?  We'll just have to wait and see.

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Friday 22 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 69

This morning was clearing up time the morning after the night before, don't know how there were so many empty bottles...๐Ÿท It was another day of scorchio weather so we stayed inside and were lazy - watched some TV and I did my nails as I simply didn't get time before our little soiree and a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! ๐Ÿ’…

Later today we went for a walk along Pine Walk as far as the military base.  We saw Muscovy Duck's girlfriend, the white duck/goose all on her own ๐Ÿ˜ข  But she seemed ok and I suppose with a view like this she's unlikely to be sad for long is she?

I can report that Laroc (opposite Coral) has all the tables and chairs out and is apparently opening up this evening for the first time.  This is a piece of good news which is most welcome after the sad news about the closure of Ca'n Cuarassa and further sad news today - Ikebana (near the Pollensa Park Hotel) is also closing permanently ๐Ÿ˜ข due to the current economically challenging situation.  

On our return from the Illa D'Or end of the Port we were really thirsty in the heat - temperatures of around 28-30 degrees - and stopped at Store Formentor for refreshment.  I practically dived into my Coke Zero to swim around; I think summer is here with a vengeance now!  We also walked past Ambrosia which is open and had people sitting outside - good to see. 

On our walk I took a picture of the large pine which has sadly fallen into the sea (during the huge storm in January) just past the large villa on the right angled corner.  Normally it would have been sorted out by now but I guess that there's no rush at the moment.....

The stretch by the large villa with the tower looked like this today - pristine but empty:

Just for fun - where did I take this picture?:

The Balearics have now been granted permission to move to Phase 2 from Monday which is also great news.  Madrid, Barcelona and much of Castilla & Leon are remaining in Phase 0 with a few relaxation of conditions so Phase 0.5 if you will.  But here in Mallorca we will be able to swim in the sea and visit/sunbathe on the beaches and there will be no time slots with regard to going out, exercise etc.  Shopping centres and large shops will be able to open but I believe will only be allowed 40% capacity.  Open-air markets will be allowed to be a bit larger.  Bars and restaurants will be able to open the inside areas to customers at 40% capacity and hotels will be able to open common areas provided capacity is limited to a third.  Cinemas, theatres etc can open but with a third of normal capacity.  Sounds all kinds of good to me!

Mask-wearing here seems to be increasing and the local police officers are now wearing them.  So alongside hand sanitiser I also have my face mask in my bag.  But the farmacia ones are soooo functional and if you have to wear a face mask, why not wear a nice one!  So we have ordered washable and reversible face masks (1 for Ian and 2 for me - I know, don't judge me!) from Emporium Mallorca Pollensa (check them out on Facebook and Instagram) - there was a choice of patterns and as the masks are reversible you can choose two for each mask.  I was in heaven! ๐Ÿ˜  Ordered today and being delivered tomorrow - great service.  They have a shop near the bottom of the Calvari Steps and they deliver to the UK if you're wondering!  So we'll be styling it out on our next Eroski shop - watch this space!

The Port is definitely getting moving now - and by Port I mean literally, the boats and all things boaty.  This evening most of the pantalan (pontoon or pier) gates were open with people sorting out boats, three motorised day boats were gearing up for what looked like a boys' fishing evening (why whatever could be in those heavy looking cool boxes one wonders? ๐Ÿบ) and the slipway near the 1919 roundabout was busy with boats launching.  It certainly is very different to how it used to be just a few short weeks ago when the port was so silent and still.

Tomorrow we have a bike ride planned for first thing before it gets too hot (tomorrow, depending on what forecast you look at could be as hot as 31 degrees ๐ŸŒž)

Stay safe and hasta maรฑana! 

Thursday 21 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 68

It was all go in the kitchen today prepping things for our little gathering (in large part to celebrate Ian's birthday) in the afternoon.  I made some cheese straws and generally faffed about chopping cruditรฉs just like the domestic goddess I am ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ And today was HOT - about 27 or 28 degrees!  I was a veritable whirlwind and by the end of my morning's efforts I was melting.  Not to mention the fact that the fridge was full to bursting.  If it hadn't been so full, I would have tried to get in it to cool down if I'm honest but carrot cake and dips took priority.

While all this was going on in the kitchen, Ian walked the dogs and happened to see a couple of police officers walking along but not wearing any masks so took the opportunity to ask them about the new rule as of today whereby everyone over the age of 6 has to wear a mask.  They said that for example walking the dogs, no mask was required but we would need to have one for going into any shops.  So it seems it really does apply for situations where 2m social distancing is a challenge, both inside and outside but of course inside is the most likely.  Eroski have said they will only let people in wearing a mask so there you are - if you want to eat, you need a mask!

Once my Great British Bake Off meets Masterchef and dabbles in How Clean is Your House duties were done, I quickly made myself look respectable and then our friends arrived.  It was so lovely to have a few friends round after all these weeks.  And we were all very well behaved, no touching.  We greeted everyone with a glass of cava to celebrate the fact that this was the first time we'd been able to do something like this in such a long time, so it all felt very celebratory.  And so the afternoon passed in a hot haze of chatting, eating and drinking on our roof terrace.   I'm pleased to say that the cheese straws and carrot cake were very well received ๐Ÿ˜‡  

Personally I think Alfie and Tally shouldn't be drinking wine at their age but what do I know ๐Ÿ˜‚  Afternoon moved into evening and out came the sambuca - well it would have been rude not to! 

In more general news the government has secured a 15 day extension to the state of alarm here until 7 June and the Prime Minister has indicated that a further extension may be sought thereafter.  But things appear to be heading in the right direction - Spain's Covid-19 death rate has stayed under 100 for the fourth day in a row ๐Ÿ‘  And in the Balearics there have been no deaths in the last 24 hours ๐Ÿ‘  All of this gives us hope that Phase 2 will start on Monday but we still have to wait for confirmation.

It's looking promising here ๐Ÿ˜ we just need to keep going.......

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 67

A prompt start to the day as we had to get to our garage in Pinaret to get a number of books and some other superfluous items from our rental apartment and then take them all to the charity shop which has just re-opened here.  All the volunteers in the shop are wearing face shields and there is a plastic screen at the till plus hand sanitiser at the door on entry.  They were very pleased to see us and we were pleased to clear the decks so to speak.  Well nearly......I bought another 1,000 piece puzzle and collected yet another from someone en route to the next stop which was Lidl, in order to get a few things for tomorrow's little soiree on our roof terrace.  So two big puzzles plus my little mistake purchase 300 piece one that I bought (thinking it was a big one) will keep me busy waaaaay into the next few weeks.  This is probably a good thing as the school where I work is now not opening until September ๐Ÿ˜ž so the long hot summer stretches ahead of me!  

It is noticeable now just how many people are wearing face masks ๐Ÿ˜ท  maybe they had a 'heads up' because as of tomorrow we all (anyone aged 6 years and over) have to wear face masks in public areas (outdoors or indoors) if you can't keep 2m distance of other people eg. shops, and I believe Eroski are going to insist on it from tomorrow.  There are exceptions including if you are doing sport or have an underlying health condition or disability that precludes it.  We had a few masks from Ian's garage but they're not great and we nipped over to the farmacia and bought some nice cloth ones that can be washed and re-used.  

In any event, once home I realised I hand't got enough vanilla essence for the carrot cake so we went in search but it seems to be in short supply.  We stopped for a coffee in the square, it's market day and although a smaller market than usual for this time of year by some margin, there was a steady hum.  We were sitting at Bar Manolo's tables near the church which was looking idyllic; the photo of the market makes it look deserted but it was in fact quite busy!

And as luck would have it a passing friend was able to supply me with vanilla essence so it was karma!  

After lunch I got to work in the kitchen and pottered about mixing, chopping and grating for ages.  Carrot cake and also Coca de Trampo and here they are, Nigella eat your heart out:

A bit more to do tomorrow including making some cheese straws, it's like being on Great British Bake Off - my domestic goddessing credentials are sky high right now! 

I was as devastated as everyone else who has heard the news so far - RIP Muscovy Duck ๐Ÿ˜ญ  I wrote about MD in this blog on 4 May when he seemed to have got himself a girlfriend of a large white duck and was as happy as larry and here is the photo we took:

But the sad news is that he trotted out between two parked cars on the Formentor Road just behind Pascalinos so I believe, and a car hit him ๐Ÿ˜ฑ  His girlfriend is reported as moping which is heartbreaking.  It really is very sad news as he was kind of iconic along Pine Walk between Pascalinos and Little Italy and we're all going to miss him.  RIP MD ๐Ÿ˜ข

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 66

A busy morning today.  Ian went off to the boatyard to do some work on the boat which, with a bit of luck, we'll get in the water maybe some time next week.  I did some tidying up and then headed out to do some shopping via having a nice coffee at Pascalinos.  It really must be the best seat in the Port right now as the view is fab and not only is a nice coffee only 1,50€ it comes with......drum roll.....not one but two rich tea biscuits.  Much nicer than one of those fiddly little biscuits that come in a packet; they do taste ok but the wrapping cannot be good for the planet.  

The medium sized Chinese shop in C/Roger de Flor is now open (I don't know if the huge one near the Flora is) - I'm not sure the shop is less than 400m sq and although I saw there had been a slight amendment to the rules as of yesterday in that larger shops could open now but only 400m sq with the rest taped off - I think they may have just put their fingers in their ears "la la la can't hear you" and opened anyway.  It didn't worry me either way to be honest as they weren't exactly crowded so no harm done and they'd be able to open on Monday next week regardless (assuming we move to Phase 2 of course, but I can't see that not happening) plus I got what I went in for which was one of those pump action soap dispensers to put hand sanitiser in.  There's plenty of hand sanitiser to buy right now but all the ones with pump tops have been snapped up by bars and restaurants for customers so I had to get creative!

Eroski was pretty busy but very civilised and I got some bits and bobs as tomorrow I'll be re-creating my carrot cake triumph of a few weeks ago; we're having a few friends round on Thursday on our roof terrace so I thought I'd go public with it as it were.  Then we took the dogs for their lunchtime walk and for the first time since the lockdown we were able to go beyond the yacht club gates and let them off their leads up on the marina wall.  Here is the view and what a view it is ๐Ÿ˜

They loved it but as they're a bit unfit at the moment I think they were quite pleased that we could only go about two-thirds of the way along so we couldn't reach the lighthouse; there was a barrier as they've just re-concreted the marina wall walkway as part of the work they've been doing throughout most of the lockdown.  After lunch we sat on the roof terrace although as it was rather breezy today it was a bit of a challenge as in my wisdom I'd decided to read the paper but ended up with it plastered all over me ๐Ÿ˜‚

This evening we went for a little wander - nothing new to report although the doors of the pizzeria under the Eolo were open so someone was doing something there.  Nearby however, the council has started work on the subsidence between the 1919 roundabout and the sea which occurred during the big two day storm in January.  Here it is about three weeks ago although the photo doesn't really show how bad the subsidence really was:

And here it is today:

Sad news also - yesterday the staff at Ca'n Cuarassa were told that it is closing permanently and they have all lost their jobs.  They can't continue financially as there are no tourists.  A very sad situation indeed but one that I'm sorry to say will probably be replicated elsewhere ๐Ÿ˜ข  the economic impact of this is going to be felt for a very long time in very many countries I think.

One little but interesting thing I'm not sure I've mentioned is that the large green bins in the street with the lids where you put the non-recyclable household rubbish have had the lids locked open since the lockdown started (there's an irony there somewhere!) so that people don't have to touch anything but can just throw the rubbish in.  A simple but effective measure.

Tomorrow is going to be a day of domestic goddessing prior to Thursday.....hmmm, let's see how that goes.....๐Ÿ˜

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

Monday 18 May 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 1 - Day 65

Teensie bit 'tired' this morning after Ian's birthday celebrations yesterday but I still did my online gym class and Ian went round to our garage in Pinaret to have a sort out, fit new wheel bearings on our boat trailer and just generally do his thing in what I call (very 'Miranda' ๐Ÿ˜‚) his man cave.  Many men have a man drawer, as described so hysterically by Michael McIntyre, but Ian went large when we moved here and bought himself a man garage.  I have only a vague idea of what exactly is in there but he can while away many happy hours which gives me a chance to do my thing so it's a win-win.  

This morning I also walked to Clarel (like Superdrug) near the Post Office and what was Guru.  Incidentally someone is doing work to the Guru premises both inside and on the terrace so I assume someone has taken on the premises but with seriously bad timing poor things.  Ambrosia and Hibiscus are also open now and Moll de Bellagio has opened its back terrace today which is truly lovely and our choice of place to sit and eat anyway so we'll go there sometime soon.  They provided us with two home deliveries during the lockdown which were very tasty!

Today for their lunchtime dog toilet walk, I took Tally and Alfie to the field in La Gola (over the road from the side of the big Eroski) and let them off the lead for the first time since lockdown started and really loved how much they enjoyed themselves; I think their reaction was probably how we were a while back when we were first allowed out to exercise!  Mind you, I can't recall running around and sniffing bums ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚

After lunch I nailed that bad boy third 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  I am now certain that I will carry on doing them in the future and am looking forward to when the charity shop re-opens so I can see if there are any there.  In the past there have been some great ones but of course the moment I want to actually buy one, there won't be any available because life's like that! ๐Ÿ˜ 

Later we headed off to the smallest Chinese shop to buy some more files as I'm rearranging some of my library of teaching resources and then took a stroll down to Pascalinos on Pine Walk where we had a coffee and chatted to various friends who were there or who passed by.  I needed to use the 'facilities' and headed inside but was immediately shown the hand sanitiser by the door to use on entry so that was me told; I genuinely hadn't seen it was there but there was no messing about, it was pointed out in a friendly but firm fashion.  As in Meraki and Stay, all the staff are wearing gloves and masks and hand sanitiser is very much in evidence.  Once people leave, out come the staff with sprays and cloths to wipe everything down.  It's certainly very reassuring ๐Ÿ‘Œ

And on the subject of reassuring - today there were 2 new Covid-19 cases in the Balearics (there were 9 on Sunday) and no deaths.  So I think thus far we are doing well and maybe next week we'll be able to move to Phase 2; but let's not count any chickens........

Stay safe and hasta maรฑana!