Friday 3 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 20

Well here we are - Day 20 and still smiling 😁 Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?!!  In any event, I hope everyone is managing to find lots of things to fill the time.  Looking at social media and the TV it seems that this lockdown has brought out the creative side of people to an impressive extent.  There are all sorts of challenges going on and most of us will have seen the online orchestra and online choir, all joining in individually - it really is quite moving.  There are videos of dancing families, singing families, online quizzes, online gym classes....the list is endless.  There's even family in Stockport who put a couple of life sized teddies in their front garden doing a different task each day to entertain both themselves and other people.  I'm sure you're all enjoying many of these fun ideas as much as I am.  I hope we don't lose that creativity once this is all over as it's been one of the silver linings in this rather black cloud.

My domestic goddess credentials are at an all time high right now and I've established the fact that I can actually cook rather tasty meals.  And yesterday I dusted and hoovered the entire apartment.  My Spanish (especially grammar) is getting a good amount of study and I'm nearly onto the next book level πŸ˜‡  By the end of this lockdown I will have morphed into a Spanish speaking professional housekeeper, and a fit one at that!  I did another online gym class today followed by another run on our running machine.  My self-improvement efforts are off the scale right now but for how many more days can I keep it up I wonder?  We shall see......

This morning the weather was rubbish again but suddenly, late lunchtime, the skies cleared and the sun came out which was fabulous.  We scuttled straight up to the roof terrace and read and siesta'd in the sun - heavenly!  The forecast looks much more promising from this weekend onwards so we're hoping that's the case and that we can spend a lot more time out in the fresh air 'up top'.  

Taking the dogs out this evening was enhanced by the blue skies and evening sunshine; the port is still so very beautiful.  I took some photos from near Stay Restaurant to lift all our spirits:

That reminds me, every day I walk the dogs down a side street to the grass and pass a garage from which there is nearly always good music playing.  Clearly they have some sort of club/disco going rather than just playing music in their apartment and I'd love to know more.  Are they dancers?  I'm so nosey!  The other evening during the 8pm applause we watched fascinated as on a roof terrace we've never noticed before, bizarrely a man was playing the flute whilst a young woman did some pretty efficient fire twirling/spinning πŸ”₯  I looked this up to see if it has an official name and indeed it does.  Poi describes both a performing art and the equipment used for it and involves swinging tethered weights (which can be lit ones) through a variety of patterns.  Anyway, happening on a roof terrace in the Port - how random is that?!  And we thought we were pushing the boundaries with our jump rope efforts πŸ˜‚

Tonight, our resident street DJ was at it again tonight and has my kind of humour.  This evening's choice of song was "The Lazy Song" Bruno Mars with lyrics so very apt for our current situation.  Take a listen for a reminder (the link is for the version showing the lyrics) - all together now "Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed....." 🎢 

Meanwhile, it looks as if the Spanish government might extend the lockdown but we won't find out more until next week.  I'd be very surprised if they didn't but que sera, sera.  Whatever it takes, we can do it πŸ’ͺ  Hasta pronto! 

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