Tuesday 21 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 38

My little sun dance didn't work so here we are again with a grey wet day whilst it's rather nice in the UK.  This is really not on! 😂  So can we have our sun back please?  It was grey and damp all day here and then late this afternoon it started to rain quite hard and doesn't look like stopping any time soon.  I guess we've had such a wonderfully sunny winter right through to March, that we shouldn't really complain and of course the reservoirs here need the water.  But ironically I'm guessing that there won't really be the demand for water this summer that there usually is given that the tourist season isn't going to happen.  Ah well, such is life....

Today I worked on all my online classrooms, setting new assignments and just generally keeping abreast of all things English teaching related.  I've signed up for three more webinars next week to keep professional development up-to-date and have pounced on a teaching resource website that normally charges a subscription to access most of it's material but currently, due to the lockdown, has made everything available free of charge.  So I've been printing and saving to a memory stick like mad before they change their minds!  I've also explored some great teaching websites that I learned about recently so that filled a lot of the morning up nicely.

The big event of the day however was the grand opening of the Froome Dog Grooming Salon for full grooms (before we only did a little trim).  Tally was done today because she's far less wriggly than Alfie.  They are both Lhasa Apsos which is a non-shedding breed and normally need to go to the groomers roughly about every 7-8 weeks so they're both well used to it.  They are brilliant if you are allergic to dogs as Ian is, because of the non-shedding plus there isn't lots of dog fur all over the house which is a bonus.  Soooo....we watched a few YouTube videos and cleared the kitchen worktop before breaking the glad tidings to Tally who, as you may imagine, was utterly thrilled that her parents were going to give her a DIY haircut.  She stood there with a look of long-suffering disdain, you could almost hear her thinking "amateurs" 😂  As I clipped it was like sheep shearing, we had enough fur to stuff a pillow by the end of it and she still has plenty on her lol.  Anyway, here are the before and after pictures, one or two bits we'll tidy up over the next day or so but we're actually rather pleased, especially as we've seen some real disasters on social media! 😳

We're leaving Alfie until Thursday as tomorrow is exercise/gym morning and we'd rather do it in the morning as the light is better, especially if it continues to be such miserable weather.  

Further updates to the situation in Spain reveal that although the numbers continue to look good and the government is definitely proposing a change for children from 27th April, that change is that [drumroll] children can accompany an adult to the supermarket, bank or pharmacy.  Not for actual exercise 😟   I'm not sure it's a good idea for kids who've been cooped up for so long to be heading for a great time out in Eroski; it's not their fault they've been housebound for 38 days and counting, and naturally they'll want to stretch their legs but this will be a problem for the accompanying parent trying to get the shopping done and for other shoppers trying to maintain the social distance.  And pity the poor parent trying to get a young child to wear gloves and keep them on and not touch everything and.... well you get the general idea.  I don't think this is the best idea they've had if I'm honest and given that this had been suggested as children going out for exercise purposes I'm sure there's a lot of very disappointed children and parents in Spain right now.  Unlike in the UK, children here have been inside now for six weeks, many of them in modest apartments with very little, if any, outside space.  A walk to the bank or pharmacy for example is better than nothing I suppose and there's no time limit on these trips.....BUT it's not really a child-friendly decision and I hope they change it very soon. 

Other than the excitement of the dog grooming, today has been quite a quiet day with Spanish study, reading and TV.  Tomorrow, as well as the gym morning, I'm thinking about breaking up my completed jigsaw puzzle to make space for starting another one.  The excitement is almost unbearable.....😂 

Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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