Wednesday 15 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 32

How is everyone doing?  Everything here in Mallorca continues to look promising but as I mentioned yesterday, now is not a time to get caught up in too much speculation.  And of course Mallorca is just a small part of what is quite a big country overall!  However the bonus for the Balearic Islands and also the Canaries is that they are islands and it's easier to prevent movement.  What that may mean moving forward I have no idea but we shall see.  Currently I understand that the Prime Minister here is set to request a further extension to the lockdown until 10 May.  Whether there is any relaxation to the regulations if such an extension is approved we can only guess, but the situation in Italy gives pause for thought.  

Meanwhile in the Port, and presumably in Pollensa too, the residents are showing strength and solidarity by flying the flag of Pollensa.  Many people will have seen this red and black flag, often hung alongside the yellow flag (with a white moon and star on) which is the flag of the Moors, during the La Patrona festival (also known as Moors & Christians) in August.  But it is lovely now to see this declaration of pride in their ability to win in adversity ๐Ÿ’ช

Today was action-packed by lockdown standards!  First was a one hour Tabata gym class.  Tabata is a type of interval training and pretty demanding.  Ian decided to join me today, as did one of our dogs who couldn't understand why we wouldn't give him lots of love and cuddles whilst planking or doing sit-ups.  He rolled around on his back and tried valiantly to join in, bless!  Actually that describes both Ian and Alfie the dog if I'm honest ๐Ÿ˜‚  It's very hard to keep going and concentrate when a small whiskery face is fussing around yours "Whatcha doin', can I play?".  I refer here just to Alfie the dog now, not Ian.  Just in case you weren't sure.....

After that I ran 3km on the running machine and then, feeling smugly exercised, did some more of the jigsaw puzzle that is now a huge part of my life!  We spent a little time on the roof terrace but the weather wasn't great today so we weren't there for long.  We've both done plenty of reading during this lockdown and the roof is a lovely place to do so as we are lucky enough to have a view of the bay and across to La Fortaleza as well as across to the mountains and with all the infinitely varied rooftops in-between.  The Port certainly is stunning and no lockdown can change that ๐Ÿ˜

Late afternoon I had another webinar about using technology in teaching.  People were taking part from all over the world - Malta, India, UK, all around Europe - there were about 150 of us altogether.  I got some great ideas so that was definitely worthwhile.  There's another to follow tomorrow and on Friday too so that's a productive way to pass the time.  But not as productive a way to pass the time as Captain Tom Moore, as mentioned again  in yesterday's blog.  He's now up to £9m raised for the NHS by doing his walk.  It's an amount that seems to rise exponentially every time I take a look at the BBC News online!

Ian took the dogs for their early evening toilet walk and while he was down at the grass by the marina car park, a Guardia Civil vehicle cruised down the front, saw him, pulled into the car park and beckoned him over.  And one of them had clearly got out of bed the wrong side this morning.  Ian is making great progress in his Spanish at the moment it is true, but it doesn't yet extend to a conversation with the police so cue a moment of reasonable panic ๐Ÿ˜ฑ BUT yours truly was a scout leader for many, many years in the UK - "Be Prepared" and all that - and Ian has been carrying a note for just such a moment; so after saying where he lived as it was obvious they'd want that information, he produced his note which explains in Spanish that this is the nearest grass for dog toileting purposes officer and that he will be returning straight home officer ๐Ÿ‘ฎ this was accompanied by waving a rather lurid pink bag of dog poo at the officers by way of proof which I think was a nice added touch.  Well played Ian! ๐Ÿ’ฉ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Finally, today's 8pm applause saw three police vehicles with blues and twos making their way round as many local roads as possible; they're quite the celebrities now and I think they enjoy the applause as much as we enjoy doing it  

Stay safe everyone, hasta luego!

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