Monday 27 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 44

Day 44 - I do like a nice balanced number πŸ˜† and the days are certainly whizzing past now but the downside to that is that when you reach a certain age you'd rather they did so in more enjoyable circumstances!  Ah well, you can't always have what you want.

The day started with an online strength training gym class and then a quick (literally) 2km sprint on the running machine.  Whilst cooling down I finished the tedious but necessary sorting and laying out of all the new jigsaw puzzle pieces; I put them in groups of a predominant colour which is very helpful, but with this puzzle there are rather too many pieces of blue sky for my liking 😱  Mind you it's definitely going to be easier than the puzzle my youngest daughter is doing of The Great Wave by Hokusai which is basically some blue and the rest is all white/cream (the foam of the wave) - rather her than me let me tell you!  And I made a lot of teaching resources, my laminator working its little socks off laminating cards for games etc.  Not sure when I'll actually get to next use them but, as an ex-scout leader of more years than I care to admit to, 'be prepared' and all that.

A major (well it is if you live in PP) event is that finally the damaged catamaran that has been filling the dinghy dock (on the left as you walk towards the yacht club) since the big storm in January, was finally moved today.  It was picked up out of the water by crane which we could see from our roof terrace and loaded onto a huge flatbed lorry which then slowly made its way up the road from the marina out of town complete with car with flashing light leading the way.  And as it's a catamaran it was VERY wide.  Here it is passing our apartment! 😲

I'll have to walk the dogs by the 1919 roundabout tomorrow in order to look along the beaches from the Miramar to see if the other few remaining (and quite large) beached yachts there have been moved yet.  Lots ended up on the beaches in the storm and when the lockdown started there were still about 4 left which were just left and I guess the council would have removed them due to the then impending start of the season but of course events overtook us.  I assume the local taxpayers will end up footing the bill for their removal 😠 but we know that the catamaran was bought in its damaged state after the storm by someone local with a view to taking it to a local boat yard for repairs but they had been waiting for the correct permit from the council to close the road at the 1919 roundabout for the crane.  And the wheels of Spanish bureaucracy run notoriously slowly!  Then the lockdown happened.  But today finally....

It's still on the cards that adults will be allowed out for exercise from 2nd May but it does hinge on the continuing downward trajectory of Covid-19 cases and deaths, and I suspect also probably depends on how many liberties people take with taking children out!  Obviously most people abide by the rules but there are a great many people who aren't - whether by ignorance or wilful disregard who can tell?  I mentioned yesterday one or two transgressors here in the Port, but apparently in the south of the island there really was quite a lot of rule breaking with regard to taking children outside so we shall have to wait and see how things settle down.

Tomorrow I have the first of this week's three teaching webinars so that will keep me out of mischief for an hour or so and I have a Lidl trip planned in the morning which is as exciting as it gets for a very great many of us in the Port πŸ˜‚   Stay safe and hasta maΓ±ana!

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