Saturday 18 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 35

It's another weekend and the days are slipping effortlessly by now.  I woke up this morning and wasn't 100% sure what day it was, I guess one day is very much like another at the moment.  But UK breakfast TV soon put me right which is where I saw the video and heard the Captain Tom song with Michael Ball - "You'll Never Walk Alone".  Now this is an emotive enough song anyway but together with NHS staff and the nation's favourite pensioner singing....well it tugs those heartstrings doesn't it?  I don't know about you but - cue the tears 💧  In any event, it looks like it'll be number 1 in the charts next week ie. in time for Captain Tom's birthday.  I'm not sure another 100 year old will ever make the charts do you?

Ian has been busy today doing some maintenance on our bamboo screening around our roof terrace and also getting rid of the rust on a lovely Moroccan type lamp that we had left out on one of the balconies when we moved in without realising.  I'd forgotten we had it and found it by accident two days ago.  It's made of metal and of course the humidity here meant that it was completely rusty despite being out of any direct rain.  I thought it was a goner, but he's done some amazing work with WD40 and metal polish and it's now hanging in the living room so it feels like I've got a new purchase without having been shopping.  Result!

The Guardia Civil here (a police force run as a military force) has recently issued four printouts of four emergency vehicles for children to make which is such a lovely idea! 😍

They've also produced this great certificate for children online and which parents can download and award.  It says 'Awarded to__________ for having spent the first state of alarm for the coronavirus at home with a good attitude, behaviour and a big smile'.  

Today I gave some thought to the things, in no particular order, about normal life out here that I am looking forward to returning to once this is over apart from the obvious which is seeing friends (family are in the UK so that will take a little longer):

  • Tapas - these are a thing of joy and beauty and when one appears on the table alongside your lovely big (and brilliant value) glass of wine, it's hard not to feel that the Spanish have definitely got the right idea.  
  • The scenery - Mallorca is just SO beautiful and although we are lucky enough to have wonderful views of the Port from our roof terrace it will be so wonderful to enjoy all the other gorgeous places - Formentor, almost anywhere in the Tramuntana mountains...the list is endless!
  • Café con leche - I haven't had a cup of coffee since the lockdown started.  I don't like instant coffee and am very much looking forward to a nice cup, preferably with one of those little biscuits in a packet, as soon as possible.
  • Proper dog walks - a dog walk with the dogs off the leads in fact; and the very first place we'll be heading to for that are the woods at Cala St Vincenc with the wonderful green canopy of the trees overhead.
  • Browsing in one of Chinese shops - the non-electrical item that isn't sold by any of the Chinese shops hasn't yet been invented.  Fact.  

  • Not that we'll be returning to normal just yet mind.  The Spanish Prime Minister is set to ask for an extension to midnight on 9th May.  But there's a rumour that the confinement rules may be relaxed from 27th April for children.  So let's see.

    In the meantime, take care and.....hasta mañana!

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