Sunday 12 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 29

Easter Sunday - Happy Easter to one and all! 

It's been a quiet day but luckily the rain that was forecast hasn't happened and it has been lovely and sunny, if a little breezy.  We started the day as we do every Sunday - with bacon sandwiches and we saw no reason to be different today.  I did a bit more of my jigsaw puzzle but not too much because last night I actually dreamed of it and of looking for pieces for it; I really need to get out more.  Oh wait........

We read a lot in the sunshine on the roof terrace.  I'm on my umpteenth book and have even resorted to buying a Sunday newspaper to read, something I normally have no time to consider.  But it gives me a chance to tackle a decent crossword although I don't do cryptic ones - I mean who actually DOES those things?  The way one's mind has to work in order to decipher the clues is a way that my mind clearly doesn't.  Things like 'Porky dog needs to be picked up' or "Egalitarian conservative girl? Not so much!" - for me this is just so much gobbledegook.  I know that some people love them and huge respect if you are one of them, but give me a good old-fashioned general knowledge type crossword and I'll take my chances with that any day of the week.  The respective answers are (apparently) "tale" and "classless" - nope, me neither!

While we were up on the terrace we had a cheeky glass of sangria and some dried fruit cocktail to nibble and why not, it's is Easter!  If you look closely at the photo you can see the top part of the Hotel Daina (white and on the left).

Our Easter Sunday roast was a yummy chicken with all the trimmings.  I laid down my domestic goddess crown and Ian did the cooking and I must say he really does a great roast so it wasn't a difficult sacrifice to make.  A lot of people seem to have had a good roast dinner today and I've seen some yummy looking ones on social media.  And whilst on social media I've been giving some thought to some of the online challenges currently doing the rounds; Ian's not sure but I think he might be persuaded.  In any event, watch this space!

In terms of the situation in Spain, we've seen in some Spanish media that only some hotels may open this year.  This is of course only speculation at the moment but I guess it makes sense given the situation.  And tomorrow certain non-essential workers such as builders are able to go back to work but must maintain the 2m distance and comply with other safety measures.  The government have also told us they may change direction on this slight easing of restrictions if the infection rates don't continue in the right direction.  But certainly tomorrow is the first chink of a glimmer of a light so let's hope it's the first of many.

In other news, Ian is making great strides with Spanish.  He's the first to admit he's no linguist but this lockdown has given him the time to tackle it using the Duolingo app so every cloud and all that.  I have finally finished my Spanish course book and am about to move onto the next one but how this translates into useful Spanish conversation we will have to see.  Before the lockdown, I used to meet a Spanish friend every week to chat for 30 minutes in Spanish and then 30 minutes in English about all sorts of things - Brexit (remember that?!! 😂), literature, travel, the list is endless and I miss that.  We've been meeting for about 18 months now and it really is absolutely the best way to learn how to speak a language.

Easter Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow and whatever will we get up to?  Well that depends on the weather in very many ways and it's scheduled to be cloudy with some rain.  But I think, all things considered, we'll treat ourselves and stay at home 😝

Hasta pronto!

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