Thursday 2 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 19

Today I thought I'd make some general observations at life here under lockdown as we trot our way merrily towards Day 20: 
  • At Eroski you have to put on plastic gloves to do your shopping.  No worries (apart from the effects on the environment but I guess right now we all have more immediate concerns) and everyone whips those bad boys on and heads off, heady with excitement, on a shopping outing.  First stop, fruit and veg.  I mentioned the other day that buying fruit and veg at Eroski often involves bagging your choice, weighing it and then sticking the label that comes out of the scales onto the bag of whatever.  Two things are now difficult.  Trying to separate and get open a plastic bag whilst wearing plastic gloves is like tackling a task from The Crystal Maze.  And once you've finally got the bag open, items weighed etc, it really is the devil's own work to take the sticky (very sticky!) label from the scales and put it onto the plastic bag with baggy plastic gloves on.  Anyone else, or is it just me? πŸ˜‚
  • When walking the dogs, if I see a police car cruising the streets, why is it I immediately feel guilty; you know, that guilt we all feel when walking through the green 'nothing to declare' zone at the airport even though we know we have absolutely nothing illicit in our bags.  I start looking furtive, increased heart rate, you name it.  Why is this, when I am close to home and walking my dogs quite within the rules? 😳
  • Nowadays an exciting outing is going supermarket shopping.  Yep, a browse round the food aisles is as good as it gets right now.  Who knew that we would all look forward to food shopping so much.   The conversation goes something like "I'll go to Eroski for X, X and X shall I?" "No, it's ok, don't bother, I'll do it" "No really, I'm fine, I've already got my shoes on" "Honestly, I'm fine to go and it'll be heavy to carry back".......and so on.  You get the idea. 😜
  • More on shopping.  Well actually, waiting on your 2m line at the checkout.  And whilst waiting you suddenly have an overwhelming urge to do a little cough, nothing dramatic, just a general throat clearance really but you know you absolutely CAN'T for fear of what everyone's reaction will be.  Yep, me too.... 😨
  • A neighbour off to our left whom we can't actually see, is the self-appointed street DJ and often plays a selection of good crowd tunes at 8pm.  It's very frustrating not knowing who he/she is.  However our neighbours opposite on the first floor are very definitely the party animals, often leading the dancing.  They seem to have an endless supply of costumes, party hats, balloons and crowd pleasing shout outs.  When this is all over, my vote goes to them to organise a street party, they'd ace it! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ
  • Why do some people stop right in the middle of the pavement to speak to someone on a balcony or answer a phone?  This leaves a difficult dilemma right now.  Do you walk past them as normal but within 1m distance 😱 or do you walk into the road or maybe even cross the road?  Then you have to get the timing right so you don't scare someone half to death if your avoiding action takes you too close to them.  It's a nightmare.  Granted there's not much traffic at the moment but nevertheless it is a bit of a poser....... πŸ˜’
  • The enforced stay at home is Christmas/birthday/Easter all rolled into one for our dogs and probably many others too.  They are mega happy bunnies having us here 24/7 and I suspect they will be very disappointed when one day the lockdown ends.  This afternoon we've had a lot of rain and thunder, but this morning for a short while it was warm and quite sunny so we sat on the roof terrace and our two shadows were naturally with us.  Yesterday I mentioned the need for patience during these times and I think this photo I took of our dogs sums up how we should all perhaps try and approach this strange time - just chillax 🐢

Stay safe everyone, hasta maΓ±ana 😘

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