Tuesday 7 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 24

I woke up today full of feverishly excited anticipation because.......*drum roll*.......I was going to be doing a trip to Lidl πŸ˜‚ I was quite literally nervous about leaving the Port.  It only occurred to me last night that I haven't been further than about 150m from my home for over three weeks.  To mark the occasion I wore clean jeans, I mean you never know who might see me!  First task was to walk to the car (we don't have specific parking) and then actually drive, again something I haven't done for over three weeks.  The novelty of driving just those 5 km or so to Lidl was a treat all of its own.

Once at Lidl there was one person in front of me in the queue to get in and within a few minutes and after using hand gel and putting on the ubiquitous plastic gloves, off I went.  And pushing an actual trolley!  In actual Lidl!  In actual Pollensa!  It doesn't get more exciting out here right now I can tell you......  And of course Lidl was so civilised as only a certain number of people are allowed in at any one time.  Most things were readily available and I even bought a couple of cheeky cheese straws (Lidl cheese straws are next level yummy).  Now, I'd arrived at Lidl at about 10.15 and I'm not sure how long I was in there as there was the usual wait at the till and everyone had shopped for a week, but by the time I emerged blinking into the sunshine the queue snaked around the car park from the entrance and back towards the road between Lidl and Pollensa (big) Eroski 😱  Obviously everyone was at a 2m distance from each other but wow, some people must have waited for about an hour to get in I would've thought.  Thank goodness I was so excited I'd left early!

On the way home from Lidl the police had set a up a roadblock just by the petrol station and were checking cars going out and coming in to the Port.  They often check vehicles just there so no major surprise; I just said where I'd been and waved my receipt and there were no problems.  Anyway, we now have a full fridge and pantry plus a cheeky box of my favourite wine - cheers! 🍷

Today I did lots more of my jigsaw puzzle and am actually quite enjoying it - nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment when you've gone cross-eyed scanning hundreds of little pieces and found the one you want and click that bad boy little bit of cardboard into place.

In other news, today we had another birthday!  It was the couple on the third floor opposite again - this time it was Gregorio's 77th birthday so Antonia (who turned 80 a week ago as mentioned in this blog) obviously has herself a toyboy 😜  During the 8pm applause this part of the street sang Feliz CumpleaΓ±os and there were lots of shouts and whistles, aided and abetted by the neighbours on the first floor opposite aka the party animals.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that Antonia is still rocking it in her pink outfit but that Gregorio isn't brandishing his giant G&T glass.  But they have some rather sweet festive balloons up.  Bless them, two birthdays and both during lockdown.  There really is now no excuse not to have a street party to celebrate once all this is over although as it's the main road down into the port we may get in the way of traffic a little bit πŸ˜‚

Other activities today include reading and setting my English students more work to do at home via my online classrooms.  And Ian kept himself busy by starting to put together our roof terrace furniture which had been taken apart and stored away over the winter.  Mind you, he sat on one of our Lafuma recliner chairs and fell right through as the mesh seat has come off somewhat the worse for wear after several years in the sunshine and had rotted at the sides.  He says.  The other Lafuma however is still taking my weight with no such issue.  Just saying.....

Stay safe everyone, hasta pronto!


  1. Hi Sarah, just read your blog, sorry didn't realise when I've seen it before thought it was a newspaper heading, shows my ignorance anyway it is very good. Tommy has been doing jigsaws on his third now, this one is 1000 pieces will pop in tomorrow now I have found it. I haven't been out at all, Tommy doing the shopping etc xxx

    1. Hi Olive, thanks! Wow, I'm still struggling with my first jigsaw.... Stay safe x

  2. First time dipping into your blog and a lovely read ! Thanks for sharing x
