Monday 13 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 30

30 days in lockdown - seems like only yesterday I was writing that we'd gone into double figures at 10, but..... here we are!  Today and tomorrow are the first days back for certain jobs here - the ones who had to suspend activities two weeks' ago such as builders, cleaners, certain manufacturing jobs - and it was noticeable when walking the dogs this lunchtime.  For example, as I walked past a nearby apartment building two cleaners were cleaning the lobby area, steps and pavement (at the correct social distance naturally!) and I realised it had been two weeks since I'd seen anyone working other than the staff behind tills in the supermarket and the police.  It was good to see and very encouraging.  Let's just hope we continue on this trajectory.  But as I've said before, we need to avoid too much speculation and just focus on being patient and knowing that all this will eventually pass.

We awoke to plenty of rain 😞 so much so that Ian had to put on waterproof trousers as well as a coat in order to do the dogs' morning toilet walk.  The clouds and rain meant we couldn't see over the bay to La Victoria.  Black, brooding clouds hung over the mountains that hug the Port and it was a big contrast to the last few days of this Easter long weekend where we've had some lovely blue skies and sunshine.  But never mind, we're nothing if not resourceful now and have plenty to keep us occupied.

I spent the morning doing my online gym class and then a session on the running machine.         I honestly am not sure what we would do without that running machine, it has enabled us to keep far fitter that we would have otherwise been.  At the moment that seems inconsequential, but once we emerge blinking into whatever world we have once all this is over I think we will be glad that we still have a decent fitness level.  

I've also found that I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles and will happily spend an hour or so on it at a time.  I find it very relaxing and unsurprisingly it's a good way to practice the art of patience.  It is of course easier to do a puzzle as you use up the pieces but when I started it I got frustrated; now I just embrace sitting there and browsing, and interestingly I'm finding more pieces by accident just by being patient.  

This afternoon found both of us sitting side by side studying our Spanish - not a phrase I thought I'd ever be writing if I'm honest!  So if nothing else we'll both have a better level of Spanish after the lockdown than before and that's a positive.  I've thought about doing an online study course of some sort as there are some real bargains about at the moment due to so many people having to stay home and looking for something to do.  But Ian has suggested that I won't have enough time to do it and he may very well be right!

Tonight's 8pm applause was a lively one - one of the police cars went past three times with the police officer inside clapping and waving so he'd clearly been visited by the Easter bunny.  And our self-appointed local street DJ played a short medley of Spanish pop including "Resistiré" ("I Will Resist/Withstand") 💪 which was danced and sung along to with gusto by several apartment dwellers including our party animal neighbours opposite.  A good way to end the Easter weekend.

Hasta mañana!


  1. Will you keep doing these blogs? xx

  2. Hi! I started them originally in 2016 when we were planning our move out to Mallorca and slacked off more recently. But then the lockdown inspired me again. I will try to but maybe not daily once things are a little more 'normal'! x
