Friday 24 April 2020

Spain in lockdown Day 41

We've now hit the 40 day mark and passed it.  The days are passing remarkably quickly which is a good thing really because we've got minimally another 16 days to go, and who knows what the situation will be even after that.  In any event, with numbers on the island of Mallorca so good and with only 5 cases in the Pollensa municipality, I feel completely safe.  It is sad however, that we all walk around carefully manoeuvring away from each other, it's like some weird sort of dance.  And sometimes the suspicious/accusing glances if you actually get a little closer in order to get past, so we all keep our eyes down to avoid those glances; if you happen to cough or sniff due to hay fever for example, well....... you can clear an aisle in Eroski in 5 seconds 😳  That everyday semi-social contact, the hurly burly of normal life - it seems to have gone 😔 and from what we hear on TV about having to wait for vaccines etc this is now the new norm for the foreseeable future.  But it's sad.  Very sad.

Today started with a 5km run on the running machine and I'll be focusing on trying to break my time for the distance in the future if I haven't already done an online gym class (too tired for 5km if I have lol!).  Once I've done some exercise I feel really good and ready for anything, I think it's the endorphins.  But I know we're lucky because we have the running machine and I'm so grateful for it.  Those of us living here really envy those living in the UK who can go out for exercise once a day

After my run and once I'd cooled down, changed into non-exercise clothes and made myself look presentable, I walked up to the big Eroski to get a few bits and bobs to see us through the weekend and some ingredients for my project for tomorrow.  Let's just say there'll be more baking and I'll be flexing those domestic goddess muscles a treat......💪

It was really sunny and warm today so we spent some time on the roof terrace enjoying the wonderful bright blue skies and warmth of the sun.  It was heavenly, especially with the gorgeous views of the Port that we're lucky enough to enjoy.  I did some of the sudoku and logic puzzles in two activity books that arrived via Amazon this morning which was another bonus.

This evening we had a real treat which I'd been looking forward to all day - a delivery of fish and chips complete with mushy peas and tartare sauce plus dessert of carrot cake and apple cake from Al Fresco Deli.  The portions were VERY generous.  Absolutely scrumptious, highly recommended and went down a treat with a nice glass of white wine - salud! 

Last night's fantastic games night with my three daughters (all in the UK) has made me think we should do another or similar one as it was so much fun.  Also, a brilliant way to spend time with loved ones who 'get' each other - I mean when you're playing pictionary with the subject of 'rock/pop star' and your youngest daughter gets the correct answer Jimi Hendrix from this 😂

Looks a bit like Ian would look right now if I hadn't cut his hair.......

Take care and hasta pronto!

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