Thursday 9 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 26

We awoke this morning to blue sky and sunshine which certainly gladdens the heart.  The Port is still as glorious as ever, just a lot quieter right now.  When walking the dogs it's very apparent how quiet everywhere is.  I mean, the Port isn't a noisy place as such but you don't realise how much background noise the general hustle and bustle of people moving around, sitting outside cafes and restaurants and so on, produces.  Until it's not there that is.  Then you realise.  It takes a little getting used to but actually I quite enjoy the silence now.  It does make you think about how we might gradually come out of the lockdown as it will need to be handled very carefully.   It would be good to hear that hustle and bustle again but all we can do right now is wait and see.  

In general terms, the lockdown here in Spain is being extended to midnight on 25 April and the prime minister has indicated that it would be extended into May in order to get the job done.  This is a slightly depressing thought especially given the encouraging Covid-19 data from the Balearic Islands but to adapt a certain TV phrase - we've started, so we'll finish.

I was on a roll with my jigsaw puzzle this morning and am finding it a wonderful way to pass the time without thinking about more than looking for a brown puzzle piece with three sticky-out bits and some yellow in the corner.  Frustrating at times definitely, but not demanding and I may even try the odd jigsaw once this is all over.  Who knew?!

Ian has finished putting together all our patio furniture on the roof terrace and we've re-arranged it to a better configuration than last year in the space we have.  We haven't yet put together our inflatable hot tub, that'll be something for June I think.  We bought one last year and it's brilliant, giving a proper spa experience without ridiculous cost and loss of space.  And we can take it all down and store it over the winter - what's not to love?  But definitely something for hotter weather.

And so, to the big event of the day - our home delivery curry meal for two from Finca49.  We clock watched in feverish anticipation until 7pm which was our delivery time.  And the buzzer from street level had barely finished reverberating and I was off and down those stairs like a rat up a drainpipe (or down in this case) to collect our banquet.  Suffice it to say it was completely yummy and despite our best intentions that we would have some left over for tomorrow....yep, we ate the lot!

Tomorrow is the start of the Easter weekend and, inspired by a friend, I will be taking my domestic goddess credentials to a new level by attempting to make hot cross buns.  Having never made a bun - hot, cross, or even mildly annoyed - before, this could be interesting but we will see!

Stay safe and hasta pronto!


  1. Great blog again😊 curry looked good 😋

    1. Thanks so much! It tasted good too lol. Stay safe!

  2. enjoyed and even wanted the curry xx
