Monday 6 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 23

We awoke to glorious sunshine today so really think the nice weather is starting to settle in which definitely lifts the spirits.  I believe the weather is also lovely in the UK although that of course brings it's own issues in that a minority are then tempted to go out in groups and have picnics in parks and on beaches! 😡  The stupidity of this just beggars belief and I find myself wondering why some people are completely unable to do as they're told.  Such people bleat on about the UK not being a police state and that their mental health will suffer if they can't do pretty much what they want.  Well sunshine, you may end up with no health at all, mental or otherwise, if you carry on.  And since when was it ever likely that the UK would be a police state??!  We probably have the most civilised police in the world!   Sadly, such behaviour is probably going to lead to increasing restrictions to the current ones and additionally to restrictions lasting for longer than they might have.  It's always the few.....😡 **!*****!

Today started with an online gym class (weights, toning and core work since you ask!) and then a brisk jog of 3km on the running machine.  Ian used it after me and we are so glad we bought it as a joint present for ourselves at Christmas as it has been fantastically useful during lockdown so far.  I then did the mind-numbing task of putting all the bits of jigsaw puzzle out, grouping them in colours where possible to make finding them easier.  It took absolutely flipping ages but I finally got there.  I heard from a friend today that they've been tackling a 1,500 piece jigsaw which is super hardcore.  Later this afternoon I started actually doing the puzzle and have made reasonable progress but at the present rate I will finish it sometime in the autumn.....

Other activities today were reading up on the roof terrace in the gorgeous sunshine, colouring and doing some Spanish - majoring on the grammar which the teacher in me is irresistibly drawn to 😳  I'm a glutton for punishment.  Ian meanwhile completed the last of a three day clearcut and tidy-up of our walk in pantry.  Who knew we had 13 bottles of champagne and cava?!  We will certainly be opening 1 or 5 once this lockdown finishes....hic!  And as well as about 15 bottles of wine and lots of bottles of spirits which we never seem to use we also found lots of random small bottles of beer and fruity fizz which have gone down a treat with dinner this evening.  We felt a bit like this:

Ominously I've also had my attention taken by these videos of families doing the tik tok dance challenge.  I described it to Ian and even gave him a little demonstration but somehow I'm sensing he's not really 'feeling' it.  But give him a week or so and maybe he'll come around like he did about the idea of me cutting his hair.  Maybe......

Speaking of which and with my hairdressing confidence high, I decided today to tackle the dogs' ears.  Ian suggested quite strongly that this might not be the best idea as he likes their ears on the long side and was worried I'd get over-enthusiastic.  But I was very careful and they look fine so my hairdressing credentials are not only intact but increasing.  Just wish I could tackle my own hair but's something to look forward to once this is over.

And finally....during dog toilet walks or shopping trips during the last three weeks, on the whole people have kept their eyes down and moved from A to B with little if any eye contact.  But this week people are starting to smile and say hola more.  Maybe it's the sun. Maybe it's spring.  Or maybe it's because people are beginning to see the flicker of a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep smiling 😁 hasta mañana!

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