Friday 17 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 34

Well it's Friday night - time to be a hero and rescue some wine trapped in a bottle 😂 Today has been a busy one and I think I deserve it.  Cheers! 🍷

So, what has today brought?  In general terms, the numbers for Mallorca are looking very promising: numbers of cases are down and one ICU in Mallorca has been shut as it is not required.  Apparently 70% of new cases are from care homes which is tragic but does indicate that perhaps our lockdown of the general population is having the required effect.  So this is very encouraging.  However we will still be in lockdown for some time to come in line with the rest of the country and I think we all accept that this is for the best to prevent a second spike in infections.  Certainly today there seemed to be a few more people out and about although everyone was at the correct social distance.  But at the moment I think we all accept that we're in it for the long haul, like it or not!

Today I didn't do my online gym class as I hurt my back on Wednesday and the hardcore lesson would certainly not have been wise.  However I'm ok if upright so to speak, so I went for a cheeky 4km run on the running machine which was fine.  It's not just important to keep fit for fitness sake, but it's better for mental health to keep active so after I'd finished Ian also used it.  Getting outside is also good to lift the spirits but today's weather has been a little 'meh'.  And is forecast to be 'meh' for some time to come more's the pity.

This morning I also made a cheeky trip to Eroski to get the things I couldn't get at Lidl.  Whilst there and in the queue for the till I met one of my adult beginner English students although I almost didn't recognise her behind the face mask.  Anyway, we had a chat in Spanish; she asked when the school might re-open but I had to say I had no idea.  I didn't like to say but I think that probably we won't be back until September which is heartbreaking but..... it is what it is.

Mindful of professional development despite currently being furloughed, I attended another teachers webinar again today.  It's really nice for one hour to be reminded of my job which I enjoy very much but which feels like I last did a lifetime ago never mind the fact that I have no idea when I'll be doing it again.  I guess a lot of us are feeling like that.

I've been watching UK TV and like everyone else, falling just a little bit in love with Captain Tom Moore.  What a great character!  £20million to date 😲 quite incredible!  Not a dry eye in the house as he finished his 100th lap the other morning.  I also finally finished my jigsaw puzzle today but more importantly I renewed my domestic goddess credentials by firstly cleaning our two flights of internal stairs and then cooking dinner including tumbet courtesy of The Hairy Bikers recipe; this was inspired by watching the repeat of The Hairy Bikers Mediterranean Adventure episode where they visited Mallorca including here in the Port and Pollensa itself and which was on TV a couple of nights ago.   Here is the result:

Very tasty it was too but quite a lot of prep is required and nothing compares with the tumbet from some of the local restaurants.  However it may be quite some time until they'll be open again so my efforts will have to do.  Worryingly I've already been thinking about what I would do slightly differently next time so Ian is wondering where his wife is and what has someone done with her 😜  I think I may need to get out more.  Oh, wait......

Be sure to stay safe and..... hasta luego!

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