Saturday 25 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 42

Saturday dawned warm but cloudy.  I slept really well last night, think it must have been the fish and chips and then carrot cake as I was completely stuffed!  After breakfast I posted my latest vinyl album challenge on Facebook, I've really loved this challenge and I don't normally do them but because it's music it's different.  I'm missing doing the Saturday radio show on English Radio Pollensa soooooo much but at least I'm continuing to share an alternative of a Spotify playlist for everyone.  I'm posting the theme and asking for suggestions as I always have done and then just putting a playlist together using listener suggestions, together with a Top 10 from this week in a year gone by plus a few other great tracks including latest releases and....well that's about as much as I can offer right now.  We can't broadcast using Facebook Live due to copyright issues on the music.  This week's playlist includes the wonderful "Times Like These" from the Radio 1 Live Lounge Allstars and the number 1 single from Captain Tom and Michael Ball which is a real tear-jerker.  But how wonderful that he's number 1 as he turns 100 👏

I've also broken up my first puzzle - it's only taken me about a week before I could bear to do it 😂 - and started working on the outer edge of a new puzzle.  So that should keep me out of mischief for a while.  And then, in view of my planned project for today, I warmed up my domestic goddess muscles by doing a little bit of ironing (we don't do much, mainly due to the clothes drying uncreased in the good weather here).  

So after lunch and in full goddess mode I moved on to the project which was my first ever effort to bake........ a carrot cake.  Turns out carrots are a pain in the b**t to grate 😂 but other than that it was a pretty simple recipe to follow.  Then I realised I only had one cake tin so had to bake one half and then the other so the whole things took absolutely ages.  But here it is:

Ian thinks it's absolutely wonderful and I must say it does taste pretty good.  It's also nice and moist (love that word 😂 very 'Miranda').  And yes, I made cream cheese icing.  Nigella eat your heart out!

The rest of the day was taken up by watching the latest Star Wars film (The Rise of Skywalker) which was good fun but nothing like those very first three Star Wars films, the dates of which I looked up only to scare myself by the fact that the first was in 1977 and the others in 1980 and 1983 😳  I mean really??!!  Surely the internet is misinformed......

Speaking of which, I've been playing Scrabble on the internet against family and friends which is great fun.  But as an English teacher I always feel the expectation on myself to perform well so I'm not entirely sure it's relaxing lol!   I've also been doing some Sudoku as well.  Now the ones graded easy are just my kind of level, maybe medium on a really, really good (and lucky!) day but only just.  Ian on the other hand is brilliant at Sudoku and works his way through medium and hard ones like a knife through butter so each to their own I guess.  

In the meantime we're getting closer to Monday when children will finally be able to emerge from the shadows and go out for exercise accompanied by one adult.  It will be strange but lovely to see children again as the only ones we've seen are two very small children who live above the pharmacy opposite and sometimes join in with the applause at 8pm, and the three children of our nearby neighbour Valentin when they go out on their roof terrace which is lower than ours.  All at a far distance.  So it will be nice to see some children out and about.  There is also (whisper it) a rumour - so let's not read too much into it just yet - that adults might be able to go out for exercise from 2nd May but I'm trying not to think about that as I don't want to be disappointed.

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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