Sunday 19 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 36

Well today we went to the theatre!  It was fabulous and whiled away the best part of three hours.  Yes, we watched "The Phantom of the Opera" on The Shows Must Go On YouTube channel.  It was the 25th anniversary special show at The Royal Albert Hall and is only available to watch free this weekend.  And it was fab-u-lous πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘  We've seen it in the West End before but to see it staged in the Albert Hall was something else.  

What a wonderful thing that it's been available to watch.  It certainly provided us with some fantastic entertainment and we felt a bit like we'd had an outing.  I think they've shown Jesus Christ Superstar already and maybe Joseph.  Joseph is great fun but Phantom was emotional enough for us at the moment.  I only saw Jesus Christ Superstar once when I was young and it had me in floods at the end so I'm not sure that would be the way to go just now during the lockdown 😣

I'm really glad we had the theatre to "go" to because the weather today is definitely 'meh' - it rained all night and has been warm but very grey and overcast all day.  This is not helped by the fact that the weather in the UK seems to be rather lovely.  Ah well, we can't once in a while begrudge the UK the weather that is rightfully ours in Mallorca πŸ˜›πŸ˜‚  In the meantime, here is a photo of the Port taken this evening from just by the 1919 roundabout with the low cloud cover right down over the mountains - but it's still there and still beautiful so for those of you missing the Port......

We've also finally finished the second series of "The Killing" by binge watching several episodes on the trot.  Square eyes doesn't begin to cover it πŸ˜‚ but, yep, finally we got to find out how Rosie Larsen died and it's only taken 26 episodes!!

In other news, we'd called across yesterday to our party animal neighbours aka Rita and Joaquin to ask if they had a number or email address, to pop it in our letterbox and we'd send them some of the photos we've taken of them and the elderly upstairs neighbours who recently had their 80th and 77th birthdays.   So today we did just that and they were delighted.  It's an interesting observation but we've got to know all of them quite well since the lockdown so maybe there really is proof that these events are bringing people together despite being apart πŸ’—

In terms of the overall picture here in Spain, it appears that if the numbers keep going in the current direction, we should have a relaxation of the rules for children going outside from 27th April (as mentioned yesterday).  What I have seen on Spanish TV suggests 'or in groups of 3' - whether that means the rest of us or just people with children remains to be seen.  There is also a suggestion that people may be able to go outside for exercise for one hour on their own but this has, quite literally on the TV screen, a question mark.  So I'm not holding my breath to avoid disappointment!  Then the suggestion is that from 11th - 24th May movement will be permitted but no bars or larger gatherings and that from 25th May and all of June "normal life" will be permitted but with restrictions on social life.  Flights are another thing altogether and currently talk is that this season will be Spanish holidaymakers only.  It's important to remember this is only what has been on Spanish TV and is IF the current trajectory continues so with the exception of children going outside from 27th April and the extension until 10th May which seems reasonably certain, I think we have to just note the rest as 'interesting' and wait to see what happens in reality.

Sooooo..... a pretty good weekend all in all 😎 let's see what next week brings us all.  In the meantime, stay safe!  Hasta pronto......


  1. Phantom was awesome! We watched it all the way through to the credits. Felt strange watching though as we actually went to see it live at Her Majesty’s theatre with my sister who lives in London on the 6th March just before when everything changed. London was still fairly busy but not as usual. A few empty seats in the theatre as well. Great to read your blogs. Keep them coming ����

    1. Thanks! We saw it last a few years ago but it must have been very weird to see it live and then blink and see it on YouTube. Stay safe!

  2. Put smiley faces at the end of my reply but they appear as question marks!
