Wednesday 8 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 25

Well we're smashing it out the park now with 25 days in lockdown here in Spain ๐Ÿ˜Ž  Not such a long time in the UK and the lockdown there is 'lockdown lite' compared to here.  Which policy is better?  Who knows actually, as long as we get through this.  Today British television has shown some real feel-good stories.  One that really registered with me was one man who was 12 days very seriously ill in intensive care and who has made it home.  He spoke so movingly of how he felt so grateful to the wonderful staff who saw him through his ordeal and how much he appreciates the simple things in life, having come so close to losing his.  It's great to hear these stories and gives us all hope.

Did anyone see the lovely little video on UK TV of the young children of key workers at schools and nurseries saying thank you to their mums and dads for what they're doing?  They were all as cute as buttons and it was so lovely to see their pride in their parents - altogether now......aaah! ๐Ÿ˜

Today was a much quieter one after the excitement of the Lidl trip yesterday.  I started the day with a gym class and then the usual 3km run on the running machine.  As I've mentioned before, we use this a lot and it really has been a godsend.  And as it's featured so often I thought it was about time it was the feature photo for today so here it is in all it's glory:

After I'd used it, it was Ian's turn and I really think it is helping us get through as it allows us some space to do some exercise and listen to music or watch something on the tablet at the same time; the key word is space, as one of us can be in their own little world for that time and right now space is a thing to treasure whilst we're all cooped up.

I realised today that I'd let my domestic goddess crown slip a little over the last couple of days and so did the cooking this evening - a rather nice pork meal.  But the big news of the day is that tomorrow neither of us will have to cook because we've placed an order with Finca49 restaurant for a delivery of a curry meal for two.  To say we're excited is to understate this momentous occasion slightly.  We would lay the table and eat in style but unfortunately my 1000 piece puzzle is all over it ๐Ÿ˜‚  Never mind, it will be our first meal not cooked by either of us and we cannot wait!  

In other news, the 8pm applause today saw a LOT of police siren action.  Two police cars drove round twice, very slowly and giving the thumbs up and waving.  Normally they're not that convivial here in the Port so I'm unsure why we were given this sudden burst of crowd pleasing activity but we enjoyed it all the same!

Stay safe and keep smiling ๐Ÿ˜ƒ hasta luego!

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