Sunday 5 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 22

Our fourth Sunday in lockdown - who'd have thunk it! 😜  The days are rolling around like like waves on a beach.  But we are inexorably creeping closer to the possible end of our lockdown.  Looking at it another way - and assuming that the lockdown extension here in Spain is indeed ratified this week by the government to midnight on Saturday 25 April - there are only two more Sundays to go in lockdown πŸŽ‰πŸ» Mind you, I'm not naive enough to think that suddenly everything will be back to normal on 26 April.  But even a lessening of the restrictions will be a big step in the right direction and cause for great celebration. In the meantime I'm still focused on taking each day as it comes.  It's better to think in the here and now, live in the moment as it were, to avoid stressing about something that we can do nothing about - what will be, will be.

So what did we get up to today?  Well one thing we did do but more carefully than yesterday was to spend time in the sunshine on our roof terrace.  I say more carefully because we both caught the sun yesterday and are a 😳  Today was sunny but there was a cooler breeze; however it definitely feels like the good weather is starting to make it's appearance and it certainly gladdens the spirits.  I noticed two people walking round and round their roof terraces, and over the way three young adults conducted a gym class complete with skipping, stretching and all manner of exercises.  Meanwhile two families had barbecues, one family played a card game and another neighbour painted his child's wooden playhouse a rather fetching shade of lilac.  It's so nice to see these simple and rather poignant cameos of people's lives πŸ˜ despite the difficult times we find ourselves in.  And a happy reminder of the humanity around us. 

Today was also the grand opening of Sarah's beauty salon!  I normally do my own manicures anyway but today was pedicure time followed by.....drum roll.......cutting Ian's hair.  About a week ago he refused to contemplate such a thing but he has very curly hair and was beginning to bear a more than reasonable resemblance to Mungo Jerry so finally capitulated.

Our dog grooming clippers are really good ones and we have loads of different cut levels; so there he sat with a towel round his shoulders in the kitchen giving me a torrent of instructions despite me reassuring him that I really didn't want him to end up looking ridiculous either.  And d'you know what?  It really looks rather good and here's the proof!  

Yesterday you may recall I started a jigsaw puzzle.  But I don't remember the edge pieces being so impossibly difficult to identify when I last did one (many years ago) πŸ˜‚  After the original sift, I am now halfway through the second of two further sifts trying to locate the final two edge pieces and beginning to think that Spanish grammar is more fun than going through all these little bits of cardboard.  However I'm nothing if not stubborn and I'll find them eventually, even if it's just during the process of doing the rest of the puzzle.  [Update: annoyingly, Ian found the very last one....oh well, let's call it my reward for the haircut]

We've both been doing lots of reading and I'm currently on a re-read of a Bill Bryson; the third of four books about an Englishman's life in Spain; and Agatha Christie's autobiography.  The last two are on my e-reader, the Bill Bryson is one of my much loved collection of his actual books, I find him laugh out loud funny and thought this is a good time to revisit some of them.  I'm also spoiling myself and buying a UK Sunday paper at present, normally I have no time to read one but as I seem to have more time on my hands currently(!) I've added that into the mix and eke out the articles such as book and film reviews, interviews etc over the following week.

Up bright and early tomorrow for my gym class at 10am with an action packed day of Spanish, reading and jigsaws planned.  Watch this space!  Stay safe and hasta pronto 😘


  1. Love reading your blogs. Like you say we must live one day at a time and not worry too much. Nothing we can do to change the current situation. Missing our family is the main issue I think. Look after yourselves and I look forward to the next blog 🌞😊😎
