Thursday 23 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 40

Finally!  The sun has got his hat on and has come out to play ๐ŸŒž - and about time too!  It's a bit breezy it must be said but let's not be picky.  We spent time on the roof terrace reading but didn't stay there ages as it was even windier up there.  But there is a real warmth in the sun now with a promise of things to come.  Speaking of which, there are lots of rumours around - there's not going to be any summer holiday season, there is going to be but it will be late, variations on both of these - the list is endless.  The point is that none of us know what will happen so we'll just have to wait and see.  However the good news is that today the Prime Minister announced that they've done a U-turn on their policy about children going outside; the proposal now is that children will be able to go out with an adult for one hour and within 1km of their home for exercise and that they will be able to bring for example a scooter with them.  Social distancing must be observed and frequent hand-washing take place.  AND the government has indicated that after the next lockdown extension until 10th May, there could be the start of a lessening of the restrictions in the second half of May if the numbers continue as they have been.  So maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

The sun today has certainly made dog walking very enjoyable and I expect the dogs found it a lot cooler with less fur on them (more about that in a moment!).  Here are some pictures of this evening's dog walk:

Today the Froome Dog Grooming Salon opened again for business.  The unsuspecting Alfie was ambushed on the sofa and taken to the Salon (aka the kitchen) with a look on his face that clearly said "Damn, I thought I'd got away with it!".  We've got a little more confident now which is a good thing as he's not as placid as Tally, but he was actually very good bless him!  And now we can see one or two bits we can improve on Tally so she'll have a 'tidy up' tomorrow.  Anyway, here is the result and a very handsome boy he looks too ๐Ÿ˜

This evening my oldest daughter organised an online quiz night for myself and her sisters.  They are all key workers and the youngest two work shifts so this was a good date where they were available at the same time.  We did a four way call and played 5 rounds; the first was a topic and a letter and we all had to think of something beginning with that letter related to the topic and the person saying something when the buzzer on a gizmo she had went off got the point.  This was followed by catchphrase, charades, pictionary and guess the song.  It was occasionally difficult to see and/or hear not the least due to lots of laughter and the middle daughter's little dog who wanted to join in but we had a great time.  even though yours truly came 4th ๐Ÿ˜‚

Tomorrow we've ordered takeout home delivery for dinner which is very exciting; let's face it, it's about as exciting as it gets right now, and we can't wait ๐Ÿ˜‹

Take care and hasta maรฑana!