Saturday 11 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 28

Easter Saturday dawned nice and sunny.  So much of today was spent on the roof terrace gardening.  We have a rather nice collection of cacti and succulents which needed tending to and then we rearranged them around our patio furniture.  Quite a few of them are flowering which is lovely.  Reading in the sunshine with a stunning view of the Port - what's not to love?

Mid morning we had one of the now famous hot cross buns aka scones with a nice cup of tea.  The taste is definitely that of hot cross bun and the look is definitely that of hot cross bun but they certainly are an interesting texture; they're quite heavy or dense shall we say....  Personally I blame Mary Berry. 

I'm fast becoming addicted to jigsaw puzzles and spent a couple of happy hours hunting down various pieces and enjoying that satisfying mini click that comes when you fit a piece in; although if someone could tell me where the blue grey bit with a dab of yellow on the sticky out bit and a pink squiggle across a dippy in bit is I'd be very grateful because it's driving me mad.  

Today as I took the dogs on their evening toilet walk I realised as I walked by the marina towards the 1919 roundabout that there was no-one else about even with a dog or on a balcony that I could see, and that I actually had that part of the Port entirely to myself for just that moment.  Once this lockdown starts to lift that will never again be possible and it was really special and magical moment that I actually felt quite privileged to have.  Here is a photo I took a few minutes later from the road to the yacht club looking across the bay toward Pine Walk which I thought everyone may enjoy:

Most days I walk past the boat yard down on the front and one boat in there caught my eye which would never have done so before this global pandemic.  Not sure if it's the name of the boat or just the model, probably the latter, but if I was the owner I'd be removing those decals pretty damn quick!  Too close for comfort 😮 Take a gooooooooood look and you'll see what I mean......

I'm thoroughly enjoying all the reading I'm getting done at the moment and am working my way through the many books I have on my e-reader that I haven't actually got around to reading.  By way of a change during the next couple of weeks I'm also going to have a rummage online at some of the Disney theme park rides.  Don't judge me 😜

In other news, Britain's Got Talent is back on UK TV and it's great to watch some amazingly talented variety acts.  But the fact that the auditions were filmed during Jan/Feb and therefore in the time before everything happened is so poignant.  Into the audience came the judges from the back of the theatre, high-fiving people and even hugging them as they went.  It's like watching something from another world and I guess in a way it is.  But one day, not sure when but one day, we'll be able to high-five and hug people again; we just have to be patient.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and you know who's law means that currently rain is scheduled around lunchtime.  Ah well, you can't win 'em all.  In the meantime, may I wish you and yours a very happy Easter! 🐣  Hasta luego!