Monday 20 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 37

Today is best described as wet.  Very wet.  Wetter than a wet weekend in Skegness in fact. (with apologies to those in Skegness).   What is happening?  The weather in the UK seems to be lovely.  Has there been some sort of weather switch or something?  The mountains around the Port have all but disappeared and grey is the colour that best describes the day.  Unsurprisingly, dog toilet walks have been fairly perfunctory.  Ian did the evening walk and wore full wet weather gear.  He came back dripping as did the dogs.  So now we have a gentle waft of Eau de Damp Dog in our apartment.  As you may imagine, we're thrilled ......

The day kicked off with an online gym class followed by a cheeky 4km run on the running machine and whilst Ian took a turn on it, I had a video call with my oldest daughter and granddaughter.   And then, with little else to do on such a 'bleugh' day, we simply watched TV, did some Spanish studying and read.    During the day I received a WhatsApp from our party animal neighbours opposite letting us know that there was another birthday today - just how many people are born in March and April for goodness sake?!! πŸ˜‚  A couple lives on the ground floor of the house opposite; the other night when they came out for the 8pm applause, I swear the lady of the house was putting her teeth back in - maybe it was a trick of the light.....😳 but I digress.  Anyway, it's Joan's 72nd birthday; he comes out every evening during the 8pm applause for essential workers and loves giving the thumbs up to the policia who seem happy to return the favour.  By the way if you're not aware and are wondering, Joan is a boy's name and is the Catalan version of Juan.  

There was a great deal of banter from Joan who seems to be quite the raconteur.  He told us that actually he's 27, not 72 and then tried to persuade us that one of those small balloons you can see on his banner behind him was the size of his..... well.....his..... never mind, I think you're probably with me by now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ  Before the lockdown we had hardly ever laid eyes on either of them; since the lockdown we see them every evening.  As I mentioned yesterday, I think the lockdown might be bringing people together more than it is keeping people apart.  Molt d'anys Joan! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ

Given that the weather today was so rubbish, I thought it was time to whip out those domestic goddess skills again and I made some little cakes much to Ian's joy.  The only 

problem with all this domesticity is maintaining the momentum once the lockdown has ended.  I'm fairly sure that I can't maintain this trajectory for very many more weeks.  In fact I'm a bit stunned I've kept going this long!

Given that the weather is not exactly cheerful, I thought I'd make a little list of the small (so not things like video calls lol) but simple pleasures that I'm enjoying and am grateful for during this time of enforced time at home:

  • music - without a doubt, one of my favourite things of all time and a big part of my life
  • a fresh still warm baguette from Eroski
  • our cacti and succulents and especially their current colourful little flowers
  • my morning shower
  • tea (Tetley since you ask, gotta love those tea folk!)
  • the views from our roof terrace
  • clean sheets
  • the smell of bacon 
  • toilet rolls πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • kisses from our two little dogs
  • scented candles
Let's all be grateful for those little things 😍

Take care everyone and hasta luego!

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