Tuesday 28 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 45

Lidl outing day dawned bright and sunny and I was up, dressed and breakfasted with the enthusiasm of .......well.....of someone who's been in lockdown for 45 days and doesn't get out much 😂  It was fab-u-lous driving our car all of 5km to Lidl and I had the added bonus thrill of going to the filling station behind Lidl first!  Lidl remains well-stocked and civilised and I didn't even have to queue for a till.  Mind you, the cashier played the game I mentioned a while back where they try to get the items scanned and down the end of the till quicker than you can pack them so that you're left struggling to do about eleventy nine things all at once - I'm sure there's a special training unit in the cashier training scheme that teaches them how to do it!  Anyway......I drove blissfully home (my goodness, how I miss driving, who knew it would come to this?!) and that was it for another week.

I attended another teaching webinar today and also updated my online classrooms with work for next week which is keeping my professional side of things going despite being furloughed.  And *girly alert* I treated myself to a nice manicure with two different alternating colours by way of a change.

Ian also did his own kind of varnishing but of the outside furniture variety as we put the little table and two chairs out on our bedroom balcony today, and the table was definitely the worse for wear.  So Ian made a little trip to the ferretería and got the necessary stuff and got going.  

I did the lunchtime and evening dog toilet walks and there's definitely more 'traffic' both of the motorised and two-legged variety (also four-legged to be fair).  The vehicles are, I hope, to do with people's work and in fact the majority are vans or similar.  I've got unused to 'sharing' the area with other pedestrians over the past 6.5 weeks and it feels strange now that there are parents and children out and about - but strange in a good way 😝  And I can report that in the Port, generally speaking, parents are sticking to the rules regarding one parent with up to 3 children, social distancing etc.  

Whilst out for the dog walk at lunchtime I walked to the 1919 roundabout to look to see if the other beached boats had been moved following yesterday's removal of the wrecked catamaran by the roundabout.  They're still there.  Goodness knows when they're intending to remove them (by 'they' I mean the town council, it's not their fault but ultimately they are the ones who will have to take action, however unfair that is) as currently would be the perfect time - very few people about and construction type work allowed.  We shall see what happens over the next couple of weeks......

Today the government gave the Spanish exit plan from the lockdown.  Apparently there will be a gradual and asymmetrical de-escalation as it will be different for the various regions.  But the Balearics are in a good position so to speak.  Anyway....from 2 May it looks likely that people will be allowed out for exercise and walks but specific details are still to follow. Next is phase 1 which will let small retailers open under strict conditions; terraces, hotels and places of worship will also be able to open but all with restrictions.  Phase 2 will see restaurants and cultural facilities open but with much reduced capacity.  The final Phase 3 will see the commercial sector open with reduced capacity, and a relaxation of mobility.  Each phase is to last for a minimum of 2 weeks so the government is currently seeing the end of June as the "new normality".  All provinces meeting the requirements (and the Balearics are one of those) will move to Phase 1 on 11 May.  This is all dependent on the figures continuing to improve as they have been.  So whilst this is great news it's important to still take one day at a time and assume nothing.  But I must admit, it's good to see the projected plan so at least we know where we'll be heading if we cross all our fingers and toes 😎

Take care and hasta luego!

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