Tuesday 14 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 31

A milestone today - one full month in lockdown.  And I must admit the time has gone surprisingly quickly.  It's also a milestone in that some people have been able to return to work today - only those who were working until two weeks ago when there was a further restriction - but nevertheless, it's something.  It affects workers in the construction and manufacturing industries mainly but it is noticeable; on walking the dogs at lunchtime today I noticed that work had recommenced on the alterations and improvements to the yacht club marina for example.  And in the morning particularly the street seemed somehow busier than it has been; mind you, that's not difficult as for the past two weeks it has been like living in a ghost town and you half expected tumbleweed to blow across the street like it does in the westerns.  Anyway, it's a step in the right direction so let's hope that this is the first of a series of measures to gradually lift the lockdown.  

Further to the above, I've again been wondering what life will be like after the worst of this is over, despite being well aware about the dangers of speculation.  How will the economy manage, especially here in Mallorca where so much depends on tourism?  How long will it take before we trust people again?  I have mild asthma and one of the symptoms of this is a cough.  A few times I've been out walking the dogs or to the supermarket and just had a quick asthma cough, but then have looked around guiltily wondering what people on their balcony for example, must be thinking 😳  Strange times indeed but maybe we can come out of this with a different approach to life and a new appreciation of friends and family, of meals out, of concerts and plays and the ability to move around freely.  I know I will.  But that's quite enough introspection for one day!

In happier news - yes folks, we have another birthday!  The building opposite us currently only has 4 people living in it (two couples) and the upstairs couple have both had a birthday whilst in lockdown and now it's the turn of the first floor apartment and street's chief party animal himself Joaquin, who turns 57 today πŸŽ‰πŸ» Love his party use of the rubber gloves (if you can't quite see, they have a 5 on one and a 7 on the other) πŸ˜‚ here he is with his wife all dressed up and nowhere to go but still having a good time 😁 note the selfie stick on the left!  They 'played' the inflatable guitars and sang along to a song and then his wife presented him with a small cake and he has said that when all this is over, we need to have a street party and he'll have a big cake with enough for all of us who have 'shared' lockdown together.  Yesssss!  Happy Birthday Joaquin!

Much of today has been spent reading, watching a film, doing the famous jigsaw puzzle, video calls to family and putting some more work in my online classrooms for my students.  But today I finally got around to some of the virtual Disney rides and even managed to get Ian to watch them too; my personal favourites out of the ones we found were the Himalaya ride and the Jurassic World one.  There must be loads of different rides and we only watched about 10 of them but it was good escapist fun nonetheless πŸ˜€ one day I'd love to go having never even been to Disneyland Paris, but the main thing that puts me off is the queuing.  Hey ho, maybe one day.....

I see that Captain Tom Moore, the 99 year old gentleman who is walking to raise money for the NHS before he turns 100 later this month and who I mentioned a few days ago, has now raised £2.5 million for the NHS.  How wonderful, and this demonstrates the power of the media, social and otherwise, as he seems to have gone viral.  He's obviously captured the hearts of a nation and is now planning to keep walking as long as people keep giving - what a guy! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Captain Tom and Joaquin - different ages, different nationalities; but both of them indomitable and full of zest for life.  Thank goodness for them both.

Stay safe and hasta pronto!


  1. Hi Sarah and Ian, it’s so good to read that there is the faintest touch of recovery with some returning to work. Stay Restaurante sent an email last night saying they hope to be open at the end of May (hmm, we’ll see)
    Can’t wait to get back to our wonderful place and see you all again

  2. Hi Nick, yes I saw your FB post about Stay. The government are looking at an extension of the lockdown until 10 May so I think Stay are a little over optimistic. Maybe July..... Stay safe!
